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Thorsten Krug edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 5 revisions

Linking Documentation Pages. Some might be in feature branches.

Ethereum module readme

Smart Contract Calling (ethereum_smartcontract submodule)

Challenge Response Authentication (ethereum_signup submodule)

Pluggable Transaction signers (ethereum_txsigner submodule)

Ethereum registry submission (ethereum_user_connector)
is the first smart contract based Drupal module. It is a very simple Registry based on the register_drupal_ethereum contract written in Solidity. The contract is just an example and not tested. But it is a basic example of a Paywall system. It basically allows a registered user to submit to a registry (which might require some payment in a slightly modified contract). The signup by the user calls a check in Drupal backend, which will add/remove a role based on the data in the contract registry.

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