Parse transform that automaticaly generates and exports accessors for all records declared within a module.
It generates and exports the following functions:
get_value(field_name, Record) ->
set_value(field_name, Value, Record = #record_name{}) ->
Record#record_name{field_name = Value}.
records() ->
[record_name1, record_name2, ...].
fields(record_name) ->
[field_name1, field_name2, ...].
new_record(record_name) ->
from_map(record_name, Map) ->
to_map(Record) ->
It runs at compile time using following preprocessor directive:
-compile({parse_transform, dynarec}).
All those functions are added to the module that uses the directive. Be aware that dynarec.erl must be compiled before any module that uses it.