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App Structure

flowchart TD

LogtoProvider -->  PermifyProvider --> ApolloProvider --> MainApp

PermifyProvider tracks the state of the user's roles and permissions

Navigating to Authorized Route

  1. User Logs in via Logto Auth Flow.
  2. User is redirected to the App to the /callback route, useInitializePermify hook is called to set the user ID and user roles in the PermifyContext
  3. User is directed from /callback to /home
  4. User is now authenticated
  5. User navigates to protected route, e.g. /protected
  6. Using Permify's isAuthorized hook, the user's authorization is checked.
  7. Since User has role "administrator", User is redirected to /protected/administrator

File-based routing

The router object passed into react-router-dom's RouterProvider is generated dynamically using files in the /pages directory. There are "Public Route" files and "Protected Route" files, which are defined by an exported variable called access that can have a value of "public" or "private".

see: router.tsx

Public Routes

Files in the pages directory export an access variable with value "public" will be treated as a public route. (/pages/public.tsx)

Additionally, the file should export a single react component.

a public route is represented by a react-router RouteObject.

Protected Routes

Files in the pages directory export an access variable with value "protected" will be treated as a protected route. (/pages/protected.tsx).

Additionally, a protected route file should export a routeMap of type Array<[RoleName, JSX.Element]> which represents available views and the corresponding roles that have access to them.

Each element in the routeMap array be rendered as the of a ProtectedRoute component

   path: "admin",
   element: <ProtectedRoute allowedRoles={["admin"]} />
   children: [{ index: true, element: <AdminPage /> }],
   // "admin" from RoleName, <AdminPage /> from JSX.Element


;({ roles }: { role: Array<Role> }) => JSX.Element

Redirects the user to the appropriate subroute. The component takes the array of roles, filters out the unauthorized roles, sorts them by a role priority order defined in the application, and returns the first role. The name of the role is used as a subpath to which the user is navigated.

If the base of the protected role is /community, and the resolved role is "administrator", the user will be redirected to /community/administrator

Protected Route Example

flowchart TD

B1[ProtectedRouteHandler redirects user by role]
PQ([HasAccess ?])

A --> B
B --> B1
B1 --> C
B1 ---> E
C --> PC
PC --> PQ
PQ --> |Yes| C1
PQ --> |No| B1
E --> E1


Private Route Example

flowchart TD






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