A restaurant app that lets users input the names of burgers they'd like to eat and then allows the user to select burgers to devour...virtually. No calories!
Several npm packages need to be installed: express, express-handlebars and mysql.
Deployed application: https://sheltered-citadel-58173.herokuapp.com/
- Visit the url site, https://sheltered-citadel-58173.herokuapp.com/.
- Select an available burger from the menu on the left and click its 'Devour it!' button to "eat" it. * * The burger will move to the list on the right.
- Additionally, a user could enter their own burger via the text box and 'Add Burger' button. The new burger will appear in the available burger menu on the left.
- The page refreshes with tantalizing burger pictures if the user needs inspiration.
npm packages: express, express-handlebars, mysql
No details at this time.
No automated tests exist at this time.
For questions or comments, please contact dianastebbins:
[email protected]