Prerequisite :
- SQL Database (PostgreSQL)
- Cloud Hosting Service (ex. Heroku)
Install Guide :
Create your PostgreSQL database and execute the SQL script file
available in the main folder -
Set the below required environment variables in your hosting service :
Key Description DATABASE_URL PostgreSQL Connection String (ex. : postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]
)REDIS_URL Redis Connection String API_KEY Not null Random key to access the application TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID Your Twilio Account SID TWILIO_API_KEY Your Twilio API Key TWILIO_API_SECRET Your Twilio API Key Secret -
Deploy the Node.js application in your hosting service and run following command to build and install the application.
npm install
Run the following command to start the application
npm start