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This branch is 7 commits behind Mangul-Lab-USC/RNA-seq:master.

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ff60940 · Sep 27, 2020


6 Commits
Sep 26, 2020
Sep 26, 2020
Sep 26, 2020
Sep 26, 2020
Sep 27, 2020
Jul 10, 2020

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Tool Year Published Notable Features Programming language Package manager Required expertise Software

Type of URL

1. Web services designed to host source code

2. Others (e.g personal and/or university web services)

a. Data quality control

iSeqQC1 2020 Expression-based raw data QC tool that detects outliers R N/A ++ 1
qsmooth2 2018 Adaptive smooth quantile normalization R Bioconductor ++ 1
FastQC3 2018 Raw data QC tool for for high throughput sequence data Java Anaconda ++ 1
QC34 2014 Raw data QC tool detecting batch effect and cross contamination Perl, R Anaconda ++ 1
kPAL5 2014 Alignment-free assessment raw data QC tool by analyzing k-mer frequencies Python Anaconda ++ 1
HTQC6 2013 Raw data QC read assessment and filtration C++ N/A +++ 1
Trimmomatic7 2014 Trimming of reads and removal of adapters Java Anaconda ++ 2
Skewer8 2014 Adapter trimming of reads C++ Anaconda ++ 1
Flexbar9 2012 Trimming of reads and adaptor removal C++ Anaconda ++ 1
QuaCRS10 2014 Post QC tool by performing meta-analyses on QC metrics across large numbers of samples. Python N/A +++ 1
BlackOPs11 2013 Post QC tool that simulates experimental RNA-seq derived from the reference genome and aligns these sequences and outputs a blacklist of positions and alleles caused by mismapping Perl N/A +++ 1
RSeQC12 2012

Post QC evaluation of different aspects of RNA-seq

experiments, such as sequence quality, GC bias, nucleotide composition bias, sequencing depth, strand specificity, coverage uniformity and read distribution over the genome structure.

Python, C Anaconda ++ 1
RNA-SeQC13 2012 RNA-seq metrics for post- quality control and process optimization Java Anaconda ++ 2
Seqbias14 2012 Post QC tool using a graphical model to increase accuracy of de novo gene annotation, uniformity of read coverage, consistency of nucleotide frequencies and agreement with qRT-PCR R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
SAMStat15 2011 Post QC tool which plotsPost nucleotide overrepresentation and other statistics in mapped and unmapped reads in a html page C N/A +++ 1
Samtools16 2009 Post QC tool using generic alignment format for storing read alignments against reference sequences and to visualize the Binary/Alignment Map (BAM). C, Perl Anaconda + 1
b. Read alignment
deSALT17 2019 Long transcriptomic read alignment with de Bruijn graph-based index C Anaconda ++ 1
Magic-BLAST18 2018 Aligner for long and short reads through optimization of a spliced alignment score C++ N/A +++ 1
Minimap219 2018 Alignment using seed chain alignment procedure C, Python Anaconda ++ 1
DART20 2018 Burrows-Wheeler Transform based aligner which adopts partitioning strategy to divide a read into two groups C/C++ Anaconda ++ 1
MMR21 2016 Resolves the mapping location of multi-mapping reads, optimising for locally smooth coverage. C++ N/A +++ 1
ContextMap 222 2015 Allows parallel mapping against several reference genomes Java N/A +++ 2
HISAT23 2015 Aligning reads using an indexing scheme based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform and the Ferragina-Manzini (FM) index C++ Anaconda ++ 2
Segemehl24 2014 Multi-split mapping for circular RNA, trans-splicing, and fusion events in addition to performing splice alignment C, C++, Perl, Python, Shell (Bash) Anaconda ++ ( 2
JAGuaR25 2014 Uses a modified GTF (Gene Transfer Format) of known splice sites to build the complete sequence from all reads mapped to the transcript. Python N/A +++ 2
CRAC26 2013 Uses double K-mer indexing and profiling approach to map reads, predict SNPs, gene fusions, repeat borders. C++ Anaconda ++ 2
STAR27 2013 Aligns long reads against genome reference database C++ Anaconda ++ 1
Subread28 2013 Mapping reads to a reference genome using multi-seed strategy, called seed-and-vote C, R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
TopHat229 2013 Alignment of transcriptomes in the presence of insertions, deletions and gene fusions C++, Python Anaconda ++ 2
OSA30 2012 K-mer profiling approach to map reads C# N/A +++ 2
PASSion31 2012 Pattern growth pipeline for splice junction detection C++, Perl, Shell (Bash) N/A +++ 2
RUM32 2011 Comparative analysis of RNA-seq alignment algorithms and the RNA-seq unified mapper Perl, Python N/A +++ 2
SOAPSplice33 2011 Ab initio detection of splice junctions Perl Anaconda ++ 2
MapSplice34 2010 De novo detection of splice junctions C++ Anaconda ++ 1
SpliceMap35 2010 De novo detection of splice junctions and RNA-seq alignment C++ Anaconda ++ 2
Supersplat36 2010 De novo detection of splice junctions C++ N/A +++ 2
HMMSplicer37 2010 Detection of splice junctions of short sequence reads Python N/A +++ 2
QPALMA38 2008 Spliced alignments of short sequence reads. C++, Python N/A +++ 2
c. Gene annotations
SQANTI39 2018 Analyses quality of long reads transcriptomes and removes artefacts. Python Anaconda ++ 1
Annocript40 2015 Databases are downloaded to annotate protein coding transcripts with the prediction of putative long non-coding RNAs in whole transcriptomes. Perl, Python, R N/A +++ 1
CIRI41 2015 De novo circular RNA identification Perl N/A +++ 1
TSSAR42 2014 Automated de novo TSS annotation from differential RNA-seq data Java, Perl, R Anaconda ++ 2
d. Transcriptome assembly
FLAIR43 2020 Full-length alternative isoform analysis of RNA Python Anaconda ++ 1
Scallop44 2017 Splice-graph-decomposition algorithm which optimizes two competing objectives while satisfying all phasing constraints posed by reads spanning multiple vertices C++ Anaconda +++ 1
CLASS245 2016 Splice variant annotation C++, Perl, Shell Anaconda ++ 1
StringTie46 2015 Applies a network flow algorithm originally developed in optimization theory, together with optional de novo assembly, to assemble transcripts C++ N/A +++ 2
Bridger47 2015 De novo transcript assembler using a mathematical model, called the minimum path cover C++, Perl N/A +++ 1
Bayesembler48 2014 Reference genome guided transcriptome assembly built on a Bayesian model C++ N/A +++ 1
SEECER49 2013 De novo transcriptome assembly using hidden Markov Model (HMM) based method C++ N/A +++ 2
BRANCH50 2013 De novo transcriptome assemblies by using genomic information that can be partial or complete genome sequences from the same or a related organism. C++ N/A +++ 1
EBARDenovo51 2013 De novo transcriptome assembly uses an efficient chimera-detection function C# N/A +++ 1
Oases52 2012 De novo transcriptome assembly using k-mer profiling and building a de Brujin graph C N/A +++ 1
Cufflinks53 2012 Ab initio transcript assembly, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression C++ N/A +++ 1
IsoInfer54 2011 Infer isoforms from short reads C/C++ N/A +++ 2
IsoLasso55 2011 Reference genome guided using LASSO regression approach C++ N/A +++ 2
Trinity56 2011 De novo transcriptome assembly C++, Java, Perl, R, Shell (Bash) Anaconda ++ 1
Trans-ABySS57 2010 De novo short-read transcriptome assembly and can also be used for fusion detection Python N/A +++ 1
Scripture58 2010 Ab initio reconstruction of transcriptomes of pluripotent and lineage committed cells Java N/A +++ 2
e. Transcriptome quantification
TALON59 2019 Long-read transcriptome discovery and quantification Python N/A +++ 1
Salmon60 2017 Composed of: lightweight-mapping model, an online phase that estimates initial expression levels and model parameters, and an offline phase that refines expression estimates models, and mesures sequence-specific, fragment GC, and positional biases C++ Anaconda ++ 1
Kallisto61 2016 K-mer based pseudoalignment for allligment free transcript and gene expression quantification C, C++, Perl Anaconda ++ 1
Wub62 2016 Sequence and error simulation tool to calculate read and genome assembly accuracy. Python Anaconda ++ 1
Rcount63 2015 GUI based tool used for quantification using counts per feature Web based tool N/A + 1
Ht-seq64 2015 Calculates gene counts by counting number of reads overlapping genes Python pip ++ 2
EMSAR65 2015 Estimation by mappability-based segmentation and reclustering using a joint Poisson model C N/A +++ 1
Maxcounts66 2014 Quantify the expression assigned to an exon as the maximum of its per-base counts C++ N/A +++ 2
FIXSEQ67 2014 A nonparametric and universal method for processing per-base sequencing read count data. R N/A ++ 1
Sailfish68 2014 EM based quantification using statistical coupling between k-mers. C, C++ Anaconda ++ 1
Casper69 2014 Bayesian modeling framework to quantify alternative splicing. R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
MaLTA70 2014 Simultaneous transcriptome assembly and quantification from Ion Torrent RNA-Seq data. C++ N/A +++ 2
Featurecounts71 2014 Read summarization program for counting reads generated. R N/A ++ 1
MITIE72 2013 Transcript reconstruction and assembly from RNA-Seq data using mixed integer optimisation. MATLAB, C++ N/A +++ 1
iReckon73 2013 EM-based method to accurately estimate the abundances of known and novel isoforms. Java N/A +++ 2
eXpress74 2013 Online EM based algorithm for quantification which considers one read at a time. C++, Shell (Bash) Anaconda ++ 1
BitSeq75 2012 Bayesian transcript expression quantification and differential expression. C++, R Anaconda,Bioconductor ++ 1
IQSeq76 2012 Integrated isoform quantification analysis. C++ N/A +++ 2
CEM77 2012 Statistical framework for both transcriptome assembly and isoform expression level estimation. Python N/A +++ 2
SAMMate78 2011 Analysis of differential gene and isoform expression. Java N/A +++ 1
Isoformex79 2011 Estimation method to estimate the expression levels of transcript isoforms. N/A N/A N/A 2
IsoEM80 2011 EM based method for inference of isoform and gene-specific expression levels Java N/A +++ 2
RSEM81 2011 Ab initio EM based method for inference of isoform and gene-specific expression levels C++, Perl, Python, R Anaconda ++ 1
EDASeq82 2011

Within-lane GC-content normalization, between-sample normalization, visualization.

R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
MMSEQ83 2011 Haplotype and isoform specific expression estimation C++, R, Ruby, Shell (Bash) N/A ++ 1
MISO84 2010 Statistical model that estimates expression of alternatively spliced exons and isoforms C, Python N/A +++ 2
SOLAS85 2010 Prediction of alternative isoforms from exon expression levels R N/A ++ 2
Rseq86 2009 Statistical inferences for isoform expression C++ N/A +++ 2
rQuant87 2009 Estimating density biases and considering the read coverages at each nucleotide independently using quadratic programming Matlab, Shell (Bash), Javascript N/A +++ 2
ERANGE88 2008 Mapping and quantifying mammalian transcripts Python N/A +++ 2
f. Differential expression
Swish89 2019 Non-parametric model for differential expression analysis using inferential replicate counts R Bioconductor ++ 1
Yanagi90 2019 Transcriptome segment analysis Python/C++ N/A +++ 1
Whippet91 2018 Quantification of transcriptome structure and gene expression analysis using EM. Julia N/A +++ 1
ReQTL92 2018 Identifies correlations between SNVs and gene expression from RNA-seq data R N/A ++ 1
vast-tools93 2017 Profiling and comparing alternative splicing events in RNA-Seq data and for downstream analyses of alternative splicing. R, Perl N/A +++ 1
Ballgown94 2015 Linear model–based differential expression analyses R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
Limma/Voom95 2014 Linear model-based differential expression and differential splicing analyses R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
rMATS96 2014 Detect major differential alternative splicing types in RNA-seq data with replicates. Python, C++ Anaconda ++ 1
DESeq297 2014 Differential analysis of count data, using shrinkage estimation for dispersions and fold changes R Bioconductor, CRAN ++ 1
Corset98 2014 Differential gene expression analysis for de novo assembled transcriptomes C++ Anaconda ++ 1
BADGE99 2014 Bayesian model for accurate abundance quantification and differential analysis Matlab N/A +++ 2
compcodeR100 2014 Benchmarking of differential expression analysis methods R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
metaRNASeq101 2014 Differential meta-analyses of RNA-seq data R Anaconda, CRAN ++ 1
Characteristic Direction102 2014 Geometrical multivariate approach to identify differentially expressed genes R, Python, MATLAB N/A ++ 2
HTSFilter103 2013 Filter-replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
NPEBSeq104 2013 Nonparametric empirical bayesian-based procedure for differential expression analysis R N/A ++ 2
EBSeq105 2013 Identifying differentially expressed isoforms. R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
sSeq106 2013 Shrinkage estimation of dispersion in Negative Binomial models R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
Cuffdiff2107 2013 Differential analysis at transcript resolution C++, Python N/A +++ 1
SAMseq108 2013 Nonparametric method with resampling to account for the different sequencing depths R CRAN ++ 1
DSGseq 109 2013 NB-statistic method that can detect differentially spliced genes between two groups of samples without using a prior knowledge on the annotation of alternative splicing. R N/A ++ 2
NOISeq110 2011 Uses a non-parametric approach for differential expression analysis and can work in absence of replicates R Bioconductor ++ 1
EdgeR111 2010 Examining differential expression of replicated count data and differential exon usage R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
DEGseq112 2010 Identify differentially expressed genes or isoforms for RNA-seq data from different samples. R Bioconductor ++ 1
g. RNA splicing

LeafCutter113 2018 Detects differential splicing and maps quantitative trait loci (sQTLs). R Anaconda ++ 1
MAJIQ-SPEL114 2018 Visualization, interpretation, and experimental validation of both classical and complex splicing variation and automated RT-PCR primer design. C++, Python N/A +++ 2
MAJIQ115 2016 Web-tool that takes as input local splicing variations (LSVs) quantified from RNA-seq data and provides users with a visualization package (VOILA) and quantification of gene isoforms. C++, Python N/A +++ 2
SplAdder116 2016 Identification, quantification, and testing of alternative splicing events Python PyPI +++ 1
SplicePie117 2015 Detection of alternative, non-sequential and recursive splicing Perl, R N/A +++ 1
SUPPA118 2015 Alternative splicing analysis Python, R Anaconda ++ 1
SNPlice119 2015 Identifying variants that modulate Intron retention Python N/A +++ 1
IUTA120 2014 Detecting differential isoform usage R N/A ++ 1
SigFuge121 2014 Identifying genomic loci exhibiting differential transcription patterns R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
FineSplice122 2014 Splice junction detection and quantification Python N/A +++ 1
PennSeq123 2014 Statistical method that allows each isoform to have its own non-uniform read distribution Perl N/A +++ 1
FlipFlop124 2014 RNA isoform identification and quantification with network flows R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
GESS125 2014 Graph-based exon-skipping scanner for de novo detection of skipping event sites N/A N/A N/A 2
spliceR126 2013 Classification of alternative splicing and prediction of coding potential R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
RNASeq-MATS127 2013 Detects and analyzes differential alternative splicing events C, Python N/A +++ 1
SplicingCompass128 2013 Differential splicing detection R N/A ++ 2
DiffSplice129 2013 Genome-wide detection of differential splicing C++ N/A +++ 2
DEXSeq130 2012 Statistical method to test for differential exon usage. R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
SpliceSeq131 2012 Identifies differential splicing events between test and control groups. Java N/A +++ 2
JuncBASE132 2011 Identification and quantification of alternative splicing, including unannotated splicing Python N/A +++ 1
ALEXA-seq133 2010 Alternative expression analysis. Perl, R, Shell (Bash) N/A +++ 1

h. Cell deconvolution

TIMER2.0134 2020 Web server for comprehensive analysis of Tumor-Infiltrating Immune Cells.


R, Javascript

N/A + 1
CIBERSORTx135 2019

Impute gene expression profiles and provide an

estimation of the abundances of member cell types in a mixed cell population.


Java, R

N/A + 2
quanTIseq136 2019 Quantify the fractions of ten immune cell types from bulk RNA-sequencing data. R, Shell (Bash) DockerHub + 2
Immunedeconv137 2019 Benchmarking of transcriptome-based cell-type quantification methods for immuno-oncology R Anaconda ++ 1
Linseed138 2019 Deconvolution of cellular mixtures based on linearity of transcriptional signatures. C++, R N/A ++ 1
deconvSEQ139 2019 Deconvolution of cell mixture distribution based on a generalized linear model. R N/A ++ 1
CDSeq140 2019 Simultaneously estimate both cell-type proportions and cell-type-specific expression profiles. MATLAB, R N/A ++ 1
Dtangle141 2019 Estimates cell type proportions using publicly available, often cross-platform, reference data. R Anaconda,CRAN ++ 1
GEDIT142 2019 Estimate cell type abundances.

Web based tool

Python, R

N/A + 2
SaVant143 2017 Web based tool for sample level visualization of molecular signatures in gene expression profiles. Javascript, R N/A +++ 2
EPIC144 2017 Simultaneously estimates the fraction of cancer and immune cell types. R N/A ++ 2
WSCUnmix145 2017 Automated deconvolution of structured mixtures. MATLAB N/A +++ 1
Infino146 2017 Deconvolves bulk RNA-seq into cell type abundances and captures gene expression variability in a Bayesian model to measure deconvolution uncertainty. R, Python Docker Hub ++ 1
MCP-counter147 2016 Estimating the population abundance of tissue-infiltrating immune and stromal cell populations. R N/A + 1
CellCode148 2015 Latent variable approach to differential expression analysis for heterogeneous cell populations. R N/A ++ 2
PERT149 2012 Probabilistic expression deconvolution method. MATLAB N/A +++ 1

i. Immune repertoire profiling

ImReP150 2018 Profiling immunoglobulin repertoires across multiple human tissues. Python N/A +++ 1
TRUST (T cell)151 2016 Landscape of tumor-infiltrating T cell repertoire of human cancers. Perl N/A +++ 1
V’DJer 152 2016 Assembly-based inference of B-cell receptor repertoires from short reads with V’DJer. C, C++ Anaconda ++ 1
IgBlast-based pipeline153 2016 Statistical inference of a convergent antibody repertoire response. C++ N/A +++ 1
MiXCR154 2015 Processes big immunome data from raw sequences to quantitated clonotypes. Java Anaconda ++ 1

j. Allele specific expression

EAGLE155 2017 Bayesian model for identifying GxE interactions based on associations between environmental variables and allele-specific expression. C++, R N/A ++ 1
ANEVA-DOT/ANEVA156 2019 Identify ASE outlier genes / Quantify genetic variation in gene dosage from ASE data. R N/A ++ 1
aFC157 2017 Quantifying the regulatory effect size of cis-acting genetic variation Python N/A +++ 1
phASER158 2016 Uses readback phasing to produce haplotype level ASE data (as opposed to SNP level) Python N/A +++ 1
RASQUAL159 2016 Maps QTLs for sequenced based cellular traits by combining population and allele-specific signals. C, R N/A +++ 1
allelecounter160 2015 Generate ASE data from RNAseq data and a genotype file. Python N/A +++ 1
WASP161 2015 Unbiased allele-specific read mapping and discovery of molecular QTLs



Anaconda ++ 1
Mamba162 2015 Compares different patterns of ASE across tissues R N/A ++ 2
MBASED 163 2014 Allele-specific expression detection in cancer tissues and cell lines R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
Allim164 2013 Estimates allele-specific gene expression. Python, R N/A +++ 1
AlleleSeq165 2011 Identifies allele-specific events in mapped reads between maternal and paternal alleles. Python, Shell N/A +++ 2

k. Viral detection

ROP166 2018 Dumpster diving in RNA-sequencing to find the source of 1 trillion reads across diverse adult human tissues Python, Shell (Bash) Anaconda ++ 1
RNA CoMPASS167 2014 Simultaneous analysis of transcriptomes and metatranscriptomes from diverse biological specimens. Perl, Shell, Java N/A ++ 1
VirusSeq168 2013 Identify viruses and their integration sites using next-generation sequencing of human cancer tissues Perl, Shell (Bash) N/A +++∼xsu1/VirusSeq.html 2
VirusFinder169 2013 Detection of Viruses and Their Integration Sites in Host Genomes through Next Generation Sequencing Data Perl N/A +++ 2

l. Fusion detection

INTEGRATE-Vis170 2017

Generates plots focused on annotating each gene fusion at the transcript-

and protein-level and assessing expression across samples.

Python N/A +++ 1
INTEGRATE-Neo171 2017

Gene fusion neoantigen discovery tool, which uses RNA-Seq reads and is capable of

reporting tumor-specific peptides recognizable by immune molecules.

Python, C++ N/A +++ 1
INTEGRATE172 2016 Capable of integrating aligned RNA-seq and WGS reads and characterizes the quality of predictions. C++ N/A +++ 1
TRUP173 2015 Combines split-read and read-pair analysis with de novo regional assembly for the identification of chimeric transcripts in cancer specimens. C++, Perl, R N/A +++ 1
PRADA174 2014 Detect gene fusions but also performs alignments, transcriptome quantification; mainly integrated genome/transcriptome read mapping. Python Anaconda ++ 1
Pegasus175 2014 Annotation and prediction of biologically functional gene fusion candidates. Java, Perl, Python, Shell (Bash) N/A +++ 1
FusionCatcher176 2014 Finding somatic fusion genes Python Anaconda ++ 1
FusionQ177 2013 Gene fusion detection and quantification from paired-end RNA-seq C++, Perl, R N/A +++ 2
Barnacle178 2013 Detecting and characterizing tandem duplications and fusions in de novo transcriptome assemblies Python, Perl N/A +++ 2
Dissect179 2012 Detection and characterization of structural alterations in transcribed sequences C N/A +++ 1
BreakFusion180 2012 Targeted assembly-based identification of gene fusions C++, Perl N/A +++ 2
EricScript181 2012 Identification of gene fusion products in paired-end RNA-seq data. Perl, R, Shell (Bash) Anaconda ++ 1
Bellerophontes182 2012 Chimeric transcripts discovery based on fusion model. Java, Perl, Shell (Bash) N/A +++ 2
GFML183 2012 Standard format for organizing and representing the significant features of gene fusion data. XML N/A + 1
FusionHunter184 2011 Identifies fusion transcripts from transcriptional analysis. C++ N/A +++ 1
ChimeraScan185 2011 Identifying chimeric transcription. Python Anaconda ++ 1
TopHat-fusion186 2011 Discovery of novel fusion transcripts. C++, Python N/A +++ 2
deFuse187 2011 Fusion discovery in tumor RNA-seq data. C++, Perl, R Anaconda ++ 1

m. Detecting circRNA

CIRIquant188 2020 Accurate quantification and differential expression analysis of circRNAs. Python PyPI ++ 1
CIRI-vis189 2020 Visualization of circRNA structures. Java N/A +++ 1
Ularcirc190 2019 Analysis and visualisation of canonical and back splice junctions. R Bioconductor ++ 1
CLEAR191 2019 Circular and Linear RNA expression analysis. Python N/A +++ 1
CIRI-full192 2019 Reconstruct and quantify full-length circular RNAs. Java N/A +++ 1
circAST193 2019 Full-length assembly and quantification of alternatively spliced isoforms in Circular RNAs Python N/A +++ 1
CIRI2194 2018 Denovo circRNA identification Pearl N/A +++ 1
Sailfish-cir195 2017 Quantification of circRNAs using model-based framework Python N/A +++ 1
CircComPara196 2017 Multi‐method detection of circRNAs R, Python N/A +++ 1
UROBORUS197 2016 Computationally identifying circRNAs from RNA-seq data Perl N/A +++ 1
PTESFinder198 2016 Identification of non-co-linear transcripts Shell, Java N/A +++ 1
NCLscan199 2016 identification of non-co-linear transcripts (fusion, trans-splicing and circular RNA) Python N/A +++ 1
DCC200 2016 Specific identification and quantification of circRNA Python N/A +++ 1
CIRI-AS201 2016 Identification of internal structure and alternative splicing events in circRNA Perl N/A +++ 1
circTest200 2016 Differential expression analysis and plotting of circRNAs R N/A +++ 1
CIRCexplorer2202 2016 Annotation and de novo assembly of circRNAs Python Anaconda ++ 1
KNIFE 203 2015 Statistically based detection of circular and linear isoforms from RNA-seq data Perl, Python, R N/A +++ 1
circRNA_finder204 2014 Identification of circRNAs from RNA-seq data Perl N/A +++ 1
find_circ205 2013 Identification of circRNAs based on head-to-tail spliced sequencing reads Python PyPI ++ 1

n. Small RNA detection

miRTrace206 2018 Quality control of miRNA-seq data, identifies cross-species contamination. Java Anaconda +++ 1
sRNAbench207 2015 Expression profiling of small RNAs, prediction of novel microRNAs, analysis of isomiRs, genome mapping and read length statistics. Web based tool N/A + 2
sRNAde207 2015 Detection of differentially expressed small RNAs based on three programs. Web based tool N/A + 2
sRNAblast207 2015 Aimed to determine the origin of unmapped or unassigned reads by means of a blast search against several remote databases. Web based tool N/A + 2
miRNAconsTarget207 2015 Consensus target prediction on user provided input data. Web based tool N/A + 2
sRNAjBrowser207 2015 Visualization of sRNA expression data in a genome context. Web based tool N/A + 2
sRNAjBrowserDE207 2015 Visualization of differential expression as a function of read length in a genome context. Web based tool N/A + 2
ShortStack208 2013 Analyzes reference-aligned sRNA-seq data and performs. comprehensive de novo annotation and quantification of the inferred sRNA genes. Perl Anaconda +++ 1
mirTools 2.0209 2013 Detect, identify and profile various types, functional annotation and differentially expressed sRNAs. Web based tool N/A + 2
UEA sRNA Workbench210 2012 Complete analysis of single or multiple-sample small RNA datasets. Web based tool, C++, Java N/A +++ 1
miRDeep2211 2011 Discovers known and novel miRNAs, quantifies miRNA expression. Perl Anaconda +++ 1
miRanalyzer212 2011 Detection of known and prediction of new microRNAs in high-throughput sequencing experiments. Web based tool N/A + 2
SeqBuster213 2010 Provides an automatized pre-analysis for sequence annotation for analysing small RNA data from Illumina sequencing. Web based tool Anaconda + 2
DARIO214 2010 Allows to study short read data and provides a wide range of analysis features, including quality control, read normalization, and quantification. Web based tool N/A + 2

o. Visualization tools

BEAVR215 2020 Facilitates interactive analysis and exploration of RNA-seq data, allowing statistical testing and visualization of the table of differentially expressed genes obtained. R Docker Hub ++ 1
coseq216 2018 Co-expression analysis of sequencing data R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
ReadXplorer217 2016 Read mapping analysis and visualization Java N/A +++ 2
Integrated Genome Browser218 2016 An interactive tool for visually analyzing tiling array data and enables quantification of alternative splicing Java N/A +++ 2
Sashimi plots219 2015 Quantitative visualization comparison of exon usage Python N/A ++ 2
ASTALAVISTA220 2015 Reports all alternative splicing events reflected by transcript annotations Java Anaconda ++ 2
RNASeqBrowser221 2015 Incorporates and extends the functionality of the UCSC genome browser Java N/A +++ 2
SplicePlot222 2014 Visualizing splicing quantitative trait loci Python N/A +++ 2
RNASeqViewer223 2014 Compare gene expression and alternative splicing Python N/A +++ 1
PrimerSeq224 2014 Systematic design and visualization of RT-PCR primers using RNA seq data Java, C++, Python N/A +++ 1
Epiviz225 2014 Combining algorithmic-statistical analysis and interactive visualization R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
RNAbrowse226 2014 RNA-seq De Novo Assembly Results Browser N/A N/A N/A 2
ZENBU227 2014 Interactive visualization and analysis of large-scale sequencing datasets C++, Javascript N/A + 2
CummeRbund53 2012 Navigate through data produced from a Cuffdiff RNA-seq differential expression analysis R Anaconda, Bioconductor ++ 1
Splicing Viewer228 2012 Visualization of splice junctions and alternative splicing Java N/A +++ 2

Table 1: Landscape of current computational methods for RNA-seq analysis. We categorized RNA-seq tools published from 2008 to 2020 based on processes in the RNA-seq pipeline and workflow; starting with data quality control, read alignment, gene annotations, transcriptome assembly, transcriptome quantification, differential expression, RNA splicing, cell deconvolution, immune repertoire profiling, allele specific expression, viral detection, fusion detection, detecting circRNA, small RNA detection, and visualization tools. The third column ("Notable Features") presents key functionalities and methods used. The fourth column ("Programing Language") presents the interface mode (e.g., GUI, web-based, programming language). The fifth column ("Package Manager") highlights if a package manager such as Anaconda, Bioconductor, CRAN, Docker Hub, pip, or PyPI is available for the tool. We designated the assumed expertise level with a +, ++, or +++ in the sixth column ("Required Expertise"). A "+" represents little to no required expertise which would be assigned to a GUI based/web interface tool. "++" was assigned to tools that require R and/or multiple programming languages and whose software is located on Anaconda, Bioconductor, CRAN, Docker Hub, pip, or PyPI. "+++" was assigned to tools that require expertise in languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, or Shell (Bash) and may or may not have a package manager present. For each tool, we provide the links where the published tool software can be found and downloaded ("Software"). In the seventh column ("Type of URL"), each tool was assigned a "1" for web services designed to host source code or "2" for others (e.g personal and/or university web services).


Determine features of RNA-seq tools

We compiled 228 RNA-seq tools published between 2008 and 2020 which have varying purposes and capabilities based on the type of analysis one is conducting or the biological questions one is answering. We have considered 15 domains of RNA-seq analysis (data quality control, read alignment, gene annotations, transcriptome assembly, transcriptome quantification, differential expression, RNA splicing, cell deconvolution, immune repertoire profiling, allele specific expression, viral detection, fusion detection, detecting circRNA, small RNA detection, and visualization tools). After assigning each tool a category based on its area of application, we highlighted each tool's ("Notable Features"). These notable features encompassed a range of functionalities: purpose of the tool, which features made the tool unique or not unique within its category and the way in which the tool would take RNA-seq data as an input and present an output. We documented whether each tool was web-based or required one or many programming languages for installation and/or utilization ("Programming Language"). In addition to the programming languages, we highlighted whether a package manager (e.g., Anaconda, Bioconductor, CRAN, Docker Hub, pip, or PyPI) was available. Based on the combination of which programming language was required and which package manager was available for each tool, we assessed the required expertise needed to be able to install or run the tool. If the tool was a web-based tool with no package manager available or a web-based tool along with programming languages and package manager present, we assigned the tool the little to none required expertise of "+". If the tool required only R as a programming language or along with other programming languages and had a package manager present, the tool was assigned a required expertise of "++". In addition, if programming languages other than R were required, and a package manager was present, the tool was also assigned a "++". Lastly, for tools that required a single programming language (other than R) or multiple programming languages required and presence of no package manager were assigned a "+++" for the most required expertise. Each published tool had a designated software link where the tool can be downloaded and installed. Based on the type of URL of the software links, we assigned the tools a "1" or "2". An assignment of "1" meant that the tool's software was hosted on a web service designed to host source code. An assignment of "2" meant that the tool's software was hosted on other web services (e.g personal and/or university web services).


  1. Kumar, G., Ertel, A., Feldman, G., Kupper, J. & Fortina, P. iSeqQC: a tool for expression-based quality control in RNA sequencing. BMC Bioinformatics 21, 56 (2020).

  2. Hicks, S. C. et al. Smooth quantile normalization. Biostatistics 19, 185--198 (2018).

  3. Babraham Bioinformatics - FastQC A Quality Control tool for High Throughput Sequence Data.

4. Guo, Y. et al. Multi-perspective quality control of Illumina exome sequencing data using QC3. Genomics 103, 323--328 (2014).

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