The project has enabled different technologies and features with images and audio. It is been developed for teachers having disablities to easily use. The project is very efficent in varying weather conditions.
We seek to provide a valuable attendance service for both teachers and students. Reduce manual process errors by provide automated and a reliable attendance system uses face recognition technology.
- Check Camera
- Capture Faces
- Train Faces
- Recognize Faces & Attendance
Build With -
- Python 3
Module Used -
All The Module are Latest Version.
- OpenCV Contrib
- Numpy
- Pandas
Face Recognition Algorithms -
- Haar Cascade
- LBPH (Local Binary Pattern Histogram)
Software Used -
- Pycharm
- Git
First Download or Clone the Project on Your Local Machine.To download the project from github press Download Zip
You can clone the project with git bash.To clone the project using git bash first open the git bash and write the following code
git clone
After download, Open the project using Pycharm or VSCODE. Then we have to create an python enviroment to run the program.
First open the terminal or command line in the IDE.Then write the following code.
python -m venv env
Then activate the enviroment using the code below for windows.
[ Notice: If your pc don't have virtual enviroment or pip install the follow this link. How to create Virtual Enviroment ]
After creating the enviroment on your project let's install the necessary packages.
To install those package open the terminal or command line and paste the code from below
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
After creating the enviroment and installing the packages, open the IDE terminal/command line to run the program. Using the code below.
If you want to use it just follow the steps below.
- First download or clone the project
- Import the project to your favourit IDE
- Create an python enviroment
- Install all the packages
- Run the project using your IDE Run Button
If you want to contribute in this project feel free to do that.
MIT © dhanvina