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Gabriel Gonzalez edited this page Jan 9, 2020 · 25 revisions

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The Dhall wiki is organized into the following four sections:


These posts explain the context and motivation behind the language:


These guides help you get your hands dirty with working examples:


    The official website for the language includes an interactive demo that you can use to try out Dhall in your browser

  • Getting started: Generate JSON or YAML

    Use Dhall to simplify large and repetitive JSON or YAML configuration files

  • Learn Dhall in Y minutes

    Take a whirlwind tour of the language taught using one large Dhall file

  • dhall-nethack

    Study Dhall best practices in the context of the large and messy NetHack configuration format

How-to guides

These cookbooks teach you how to solve specific tasks:



These comprehensive resources cover details that other texts will gloss over:

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