FacebookPoster is a Python class that allows you to post content to a Facebook page. This class is suitable for automating social media posts.
In your project folder, create a .env
file and enter your Facebook page ID and access token, like this:
FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID = '1234567890' # replace with your own page ID
PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'ABCDEFGHI' # replace with your own page access token
In main.py
, load the Facebook credentials and create an instance of the FacebookPoster class. Once you have an instance, you can use its methods to post content to the Facebook page. Use the following code:
import os
from facebook_manager import FacebookPoster
from dotenv import load_dotenv
poster = FacebookPoster(os.getenv("FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID"), os.getenv("PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN")
To create a post with text and one or more images, use the create_image_post
method. You can specify the text of the post and the paths to one or more images that you want to upload, or one or more URIs, if the images are hosted online. Here's an example:
Use with images saved on your computer:
poster.create_image_post("Post with mixed images!", ["path/to/local_img.jpg", "https://site.com/online_img.jpg"])
To create a video post on a Facebook page, use the create_video_post
method. You can specify the path to the video file, as well as an optional title and description. Here's an example:
poster.create_video_post("path/to/video.mp4", "My cool video title", "Description of the video")
To post text to Facebook, use the create_text_post
method. You can specify the text of the post, as well as an optional link to include in the post. Here's an example:
poster.create_text_post("Check out my blog post about Python!", "https://example.com/blog/python")
The FacebookPoster class requires the following packages:
FacebookPoster is licensed under the MIT License.