This plugin comes with the most common devices and os systems for modern mobile web developers. It's inspired by html5boilerplate (it's using ie classes for the html tag) and jquery's $.browser extension.
You can detect if your device has a display with a double pixel ratio (Like Apple's retina).
- $.mob.retinaHD(); // returns boolean (devicePixelRation == 3)
- $.mob.retina(); // returns boolean (devicePixelRation == 2)
- $.mob.halfretina(); // returns boolean (devicePixelRation > 1 && < 2)
Detect if your web application is running in standalone mode or in safari
- $.mob.standalone(); // returns boolean
You can detect the orientation of your device.
- $.mob.orientation(); // returns 'portrait' or 'landscape' as string
- $.mob.portrait(); // returns boolean
- $.mob.landscape(); // returns boolean
You can detect several devices. All detections returns a boolean. All functions are added to the 'mob' object. You can detect the following devices:
- iPhone : $.mob.iphone();
- iPad : $.mob.ipad();
- iPod : $.mob.ipod();
- Nokia : $;
- Google Nexus : $;
- HTC : $;
- Samsung : $;
- Blackberry : $.mob.blackberry();
- HTC : $;
- Acer : $.mob.acer();
- Sony : $;
- Motorola : $.mob.motorola();
- LG : $.mob.LG();
- Lenovo : $.mob.lenovo();
- Huawei : $.mob.huawei();
You can detect several Operating systems. All detections returns a boolean. All functions are added to the 'mob' object. Android and iOS subversions are no longer seperate functions. You can detect the following Operating systems:
- iOs (all) : $.mob.ios();
- iOs 5 : $.mob.ios('5');
- iOs 6 : $.mob.ios('6');
- iOs 7 : $.mob.ios('7');
- iOs 8 : $.mob.ios('8');
- Android (all) : $;
- Android 2 : $'2.1');
- Android 3 : $'3');
- Android 4 : $'4');
- Android 4 : $'5');
- Windows Phone 7 : $.mob.windowsphone7();
- Windows Phone 8 : $.mob.windowsphone8();
You can detect several Mobile browsers. All detections returns a boolean. All functions are added to the 'mob' object. You can detect the following Browsers:
- Opera Mini : $.mob.operamini();
- Webkit : $.mob.webkit();
- Firefox : $.mob.firefox();
- IE Mobile : $.mob.iemobile();
- IE Mobile 9 : $.mob.iemobile9();
- IE Mobile 10 : $.mob.iemobile10();
- IE Mobile 11 : $.mob.iemobile11();
You can detect almost everything but if you're only interested in the function to check if a user uses a touch device or a smartphone you can use this:
- Any SmartPhone : $.mob.anysmartphone();
- Touch : $.mob.touchdevice();
Like in html5boilerplate where you get extra classes for the classic IE browsers you can add classes for mobile devices and operating systems into your html tag It's done with just one extra line of code.
- $.mob.addClasses();
add browser, OS & Device classes but also a class called "retina" (when you have a retina display) to your html tag and a class standalone (when in fullscreen mode on ios).
// phpcode $mobile = new MobileDetection(); if($mobile -> ios(7)) : // do iOS 7 stuff else : // do other or old iOS stuff; endif;
The WordPress plugin automatic instantiates the class.
// phpcode // in your theme use: global $mobile; if($mobile -> ios(7)) : // do iOS 7 stuff else : // do other or old iOS stuff; endif;
- $mobile -> iPad(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> iPhone(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> iPod(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> iOS($version); // param $version = 5,6,7 or 8 (not mandatory) - returns boolean
- $mobile -> android($version); // param $version = 2, 3 or 4 (not mandatory) - returns boolean
- $mobile -> blackberry(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> windowsPhone7(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> windowsPhone8(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> ieMobile9(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> ieMobile10(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> ieMobile11(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> operaMini(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> firefox(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> webkit(); // returns boolean
- $mobile -> retinaHD(); // returns boolean | true when devicePixelRation == 3
- $mobile -> retina(); // returns boolean | true when devicePixelRation == 2
- $mobile -> halfretina(); // returns boolean | true when devicePixelRation > 1 && < 2
// js script var mobile = new MobileDetection(); if(mobile.ios('7')) { // do iOS 7 stuff } else { // do other or old iOS stuff; }