This is a wrapper around the idgames archive public API documented at
npm install idgames
import { ping, dbPing, about, get, getParentDir, getDirs, getContents, latestVotes, latestFiles, search } from 'idgames'
;(async () => {
const ping = await ping()
const dbping = await dbPing()
const about = await about()
const get = await get({ id: '15156' })
const getparentdir = await getParentDir({ id: '666' })
const getdirs = await getDirs({ name: 'zvox' })
const getfiles = await getFiles({ id: '10666' })
const getcontents = await getContents({ id: '666' })
const latestvotes = await latestVotes({ limit: 25 })
const latestfiles = await latestFiles({ limit: 10 })
const search = await search({ query: 'UDM2' })
Each function in this package will return a promise resolving in the requested data. The following functions are available.
- ping
- dbPing
- about
- get
- getParentDir
- getDirs
- getContents
- latestVotes
- latestFiles
- search
Please issue a pull request