- It is a Painting Provide Company, we provide paiting services.
- On this site you can register and login with your correct information and later you can update your information. Upon registration, users gain access to a dedicated concierge service catering to their every need.
- Atfer User Login/Register, he can add the card with his desired information.
- We have some services like, Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, Custom Color Consultation, Maintenance Painting Programs.
- If you need any service. Then you can easily get the service by contacting us through the information or form.
- React Tooltip
- React Awesome Reveal
Live Site: https://painting-plus.netlify.app/
- HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, React JS, Node.js, Express.JS, MongoDB
- open your folder and terminal
- git clone https://github.com/username/project-name.git
- cd project-name
- npm install
- environment setup
- npm run dev