This website is like an online social platform. Here you can login/register and post product image and inpormation. And others can come and comment on your post.
- It is a Online Shop Website, we showcase some product.
- On this site you can register and login with your correct information and later you can avail all kinds of benefits from our websites.
- Atfer User Login/Register, he can add the Query with his desired information.
- And you can go to queries added by others and recommended good Products to them.
- You can see the specifically who you are recommending. And you can see what products others are recommending.
- Assignment Category 0009
- JSON Web Token
Live Site:
- HTML, CSS, Tailwind, JavaScript, React JS, Node.js, Express.JS, MongoDB
- open your folder and terminal
- git clone
- cd project-name
- npm install
- environment setup
- npm run dev