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Folders and files

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Simple, flexible, intuitive and powerful NuGet packaging.


The .NET SDK has built-in support for packing. The design of its targets, property and item names it not very consistent, however. When packing non-trivial solutions with multiple projects, it's quite hard to actually get it to pack exactly the way you want it to.

An alternative clean and clear design was proposed and I got to implement the initial spec, but it never got traction with the NuGet team.


With the learnings from years of building and shipping packages of different levels of complexity, as well as significant use of the SDK Pack functionality and its various extension points, NuGetizer takes a fresh look and exposes a clean set of primitives so that you never have to create .nuspec files again.

All the built-in properties are supported.

A key difference is that adding arbitrary content to the package is supported with the first-class PackageFile item for absolute control of the package contents.

    <PackageFile Include=".." PackagePath="..." />

Another key design choice is that any package content inference should be trivial to turn off wholesale in case the heuristics don't do exactly what you need. Just set EnablePackInference=false and you will only get explicit PackageFile items in your package. This gives you ultimate control without having to understand any of the inference rules explained below.

All inference rules are laid out in a single .targets file that's easy to inspect them to learn more, and the file is not imported at all when EnablePackInference=false.

Package Contents Inference

Package content inference provides some built-in heuristics for common scenarios so you don't have to customize the project much and can instead let the rules build up the contents of your package by interpreting your existing project elements. It works by transforming various built-in items into corresponding PackageFile items, much as if you had added them by hand.

Inference can be turned off for specific items by just adding Pack="false" item metadata. It can also be turned off by default for all items of a given type with an item definition group:


The basic item metadata that drive pack inference are:

  1. Pack: true/false, determines whether inference applies to the item at all.
  2. PackagePath: final path within the package.

If the item does not provide a PackagePath, and Pack is not false, the inference targets wil try to determine the right value, based on the following additional metadata:

a. PackFolder: typically one of the built-in package folders, such as build, lib, etc. b. FrameworkSpecific: true/false, determines whether the project's target framework is used when building the final PackagePath.

When an item specifies FrameworkSpecific=true, the project's target framework is added to the final package path, such as lib\netstandard2.0\My.dll. Since the package folder itself typically determines whether it contains framework-specific files or not, the FrameworkSpecific value has sensible defaults so you don't have to specify it unless you wnat to override it. The default values from NuGetizer.props are:

PackFolder FrameworkSpecific
content (*) true
lib true
dependency (**) true
frameworkReference (**) true
build false
all others (***) false

* Since the plain content folder is deprecated as of NuGet v3+, we use content to mean contentFiles throughout the docs, targets and implementation. They are interchangeable in NuGetizer and always mean the latter.

** dependency and frameworkReference are pseudo folders containing the package references and framework (<Reference ...) references.

** tool(s), native, runtime(s), ref, analyzer(s), source/src, any custom folder.

The PackFolder property (at the project level) determines the PackFolder metadata value for the build outputs of the project (and its xml docs, pdb and other related files like satellite assemblies). It defaults to lib.

For files that end up mapping to content, you can also specify BuildAction, CopyToOutput and Flatten item metadata, as supported by NuGet v4+. In addition to those, NuGetizer also supports CodeLanguage and TargetFramework to control the subfolders too.

Since it wouldn't be much fun having to annotate everything with either PackFolder or PackagePath (and also the additional content file metadata as needed), most common item types have sensible defaults too, defined in NuGetizer.Inference.targets.

ItemType Default Metadata
None PackFolder=""
Compile PackFolder="content"

None is sort of special in that the package folder is root of the package by default.

Whether items are packed by default or not is controlled by properties named after the item type (such as PackEmbeddedResource, PackNone and so on). Except for the ones below, they all default to false (or more precisely, empty, so, not true).

Property Default Value
PackBuildOutput true
PackSymbols true if PackBuildOutput=true (*)
PackFrameworkReferences true if PackFolder=lib
PackProjectReference true

* Back in the day, PDBs were Windows-only and fat files. Nowadays, portable PDBs (the new default) are lightweight and can even be embedded. Combined with SourceLink, including them in the package (either standalone or embeded) provides the best experience for your users, so it's the default.


There is a common metadata item that's used quite frequently: CopyToOutputDirectory, which is typically set to PreserveNewest to change it from its default behavior (when empty or set to Never).

NOTE: if you're using Always, you're likely ruining your build performance for no reason.

When copying items to the output directory, you're implicitly saying that those items are needed in order to run/execute the built output. For example, if you have build targets/props in a build-only project (i.e. the one that builds the tasks), then those files are needed alongside the built output when packaging.

Given this common scenario, NuGetizer changes the default PackFolder metadata for packable items (i.e. those with explicit Pack=true metadata or defaulted to true, such as Content items) to match the PackFolder property defined for the project's built output, whenever CopyToOutputDirectory is not empty or Never.

Like other default inference behaviors, you can always opt out of it by specifying an explicit *PackFolder` item metadata.

In addition, the resulting PackageFile items for these items point to the location in the project's output folder, rather than the source location. This makes it easier to have custom behavior that might modify the item after copying to the output directory.


Package references are turned into package dependencies by default (essentially converting <PackageReference> to <PackageFile ... PackFolder="Dependency">). If the package reference specifies PrivateAssets="all", however, it's not added as a dependency. Instead, in that case, all the contributed files to the compilation are placed in the same PackFolder as the project's build output (if packable, depending on PackBuildOutput property).

Build-only dependencies that don't contribute assemblies to the output (i.e. analyzers or things like GitInfo or ThisAssembly won't cause any extra items).

This even works transitively, so if you use PrivateAssets=all on package reference A, which in turn has a package dependency on B and B in turn depends on C, all of A, B and C assets will be packed.

As usual, you can change this default behavior by using Pack=false metadata.

Project References

Unlike SDK Pack that considers project references as package references by default, NuGetizer has an explicit contract between projects: the GetPackageContents target. This target is invoked when packing project references, and it returns whatever the referenced project exposes as package contents (including the inference rules above). If the project is packable (that is, it produces a package, denoted by the presence of a PackageId property), it will be packed as a dependency/package reference instead.

This means that by default, things Just Work: if you reference a library with no PackageId, it becomes part of whatever output your main project produces (analyzer, tools, plain lib). The moment you decide you want to make it a package on its own, you add the required metadata properties to that project and it automatically becomes a dependency instead.

This works flawlessly even when multi-targeting: if the main (packable) project multitargets net472;netcoreapp3.1, say, and it references a netstandard2.0 (non-packable) library, the package contents will be:


If the packaging metadata is added to the library, it automatically turns to:

Package: Sample.1.0.0.nupkg
    Authors                 : sample
    Description             : Sample
    Version                 : 1.0.0
      Library, 1.0.0
      Library, 1.0.0


Carefully tweaking your packages until they look exactly the way you want them should not be a tedious and slow process. Even requiring your project to be built between changes can be costly and reduce the speed at which you can iterate on the packaging aspects of the project. Also, generating the final .nupkg, opening it in a tool and inspecting its content, is also not ideal for rapid iteration.

For this reason, NuGetizer provides a dotnet global tool to make this process straightforward and quick. Installation is just like for any other dotnet tool:

> dotnet tool install -g dotnet-nugetize

After installation, you can just run nugetize from the project directory to quickly get a report of the package that would be generated. This is done in the fastest possible way without compromising your customizations to the build process. They way this is achieved is by a combination of a simulated design-time build that skips the compiler invocation and avoids the output file copying entirely, and built-in support in NuGetizer to emit the entire contents of the package as MSBuild items with full metadata, that the tool can use to render an accurate report that contains exactly the same information that would be used to actually emit the final .nupkg without actually emitting it.

Here's a sample output screenshot:

nugetize screenshot