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Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git


Boosting my Git skills. All coursework for the Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git by Jason Taylor and John Myers. With my own added notes.

The Course at Udemy

If the content sparked 🔥 your interest, please consider buying the course and start learning 📖.

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Note: The material provided in this repository is only for helping those who may get stuck at any point of time in the course. It is very advised that no one should just copy the solutions(violation of Honor Code) presented here.



Branches have such life cycle, increases to right.

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origin/master origin is reference to github repository, and master is branch git status command keeps track of origin master Best practise is do pull before push

  • Basic Git Workflow

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You see their main working areas, Working, Staging and Repository

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  • Git Tracked file

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Listing tracked files

  • git ls-files

Git status only shows first level of directories

Adding file recursively

  • git add .

Backing out changes form staging area

  • git reset HEAD ""

Going back state when files were last committed

  • git checkout -- ""

When moving or renaming files in encouraged to to use git mv

  • git mv

Moving file one level down

  • mv level2.txt ..

Deleting file

  • rm "filename"

Getting log

  • git log

Inspecting individual log of file

  • git log -- "filename"

Creating alias for "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"

  • git config --global alias.hist "log --all --graph --decorate --oneline"

Now this can be executed

  • git hist

To tell git ignore specified untracked files, add to .gitignore file

Creating .gitignore

  • npp .gitignore

Format for .gitignore

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Telling git default merge tool

  • git config --global merge.tool p4merge

Telling location of merge tool

  • git config --global mergetool.p4merge.path "D:/Program Files/p4merge.exe"

Telling git default diff tool

  • git config --global diff.tool p4merge

Telling location of diff tool

  • git config --global difftool.p4merge.path "D:/Program Files/p4merge.exe"

Disabling Prompt, removing extra nag when needing resolve the conflict

  • git config --global difftool.prompt false
  • git config --global mergetool.prompt false

Comparing in git, compares working directory and staging area to each other

  • git diff

Compare in visual diff tool if configured in git

  • git diftool

HEAD point to the branch where we are on HEAD is last commit in this branch

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Comparing working directory and git repository

  • git difftool HEAD
  • git diff HEAD

Comparing staging area and git repository

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  • git difftool --staged HEAD
  • git diff --staged HEAD

Diffing separate files

  • git diff --
  • git difftool--

Comparing between two commits

  • git diff 0108803 HEAD OR

  • git diff 0108803 effe8b6 HEAD points to last commit in current branch Comparing HEAD and HEAD -1

  • git diff HEAD HEAD^

  • Comparing local and remote master branch.

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  • git diff master origin/master

Listing current branches

  • git branch -a

Creating branch

  • git branch mynewbranch

Switching branch

  • git checkout mynewbranch

Renaming branch

  • git branch -m mynewbranch newbranch

Deleting branch, deletes labels

  • git branch -d newbranch

Diffing master branch to title-change branch

  • git diff master title-change

Merging title-change branch to current branch

  • git merge title-change

Fast-forward merge is possible if there is no changed made on the target branch

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Branch merge whiteout fast-forward

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Upper line what is from master and bottom line what is from real work branch

  • git merge add-copyright -no-ff

HEAD is referring to masters

  • HEAD points to current branch
    • When checkout to another branch → so does head update pointing to this branch

Check where HEAD points in your machine! cat .git/HEAD

During resolving the merge git will save original copy of the merge conflicts for backup

Rebase is getting changes from one branch to another

  • git rebase master

DETACHED HEAD is when head is pointing to commit not to branch

Aborting rebase

  • git rebase --abort

Rebase conflict should be treated like merge conflict

Updating references, updates references between local and remote repositories

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  • git fetch origin master
    • In the simplest terms, git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge.

Invoking git stash, add modified files to stash

  • git stash is default for git stash save

Applying stash

  • git stash apply

List stashes

  • git stash list

Drops last stash

  • git stash drop

Getting first form stash list

  • git stash pop

Making commit message for stash

  • git stash save "simple changes"

3 Stashes

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Showing specific stash @ reflog syntax

  • git stash show stash@{1}

Applying specific stash

  • git stash apply stash@{1}

Dropping specific stash

  • git stash drop stash@{1}

Emptying empty of stashes

  • git stash clear

Adding files to stash new files and modified files

  • git stash -u

Creating, switching branch, applying and destroying stash all in one

  • git stash branch newchanges

Tags are just labels which we can attack to any commit in history Creates myTag, lightweight tag

  • git tag myTag

Showing list of tags

  • git tag --list

Deleting tag

  • git tag --delete myTag

Annotated tag has little more extra information than normal tag

  • git tag -a v-1.0

Listing tag

  • git tag --list

Showing the tag

  • git show v-1.0

Comparing tags

  • git diff v-1.0 v-1.2

Tagging specific Commit

  • git tag -a v-0.9-beta 21df23a

Editing tag

  • git tag -a v-0.8-alpha -f bd35d46

Pushing all tags

  • git push origin master --tags


Reset back one level

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  • git reset HEAD^1

Reset back two level

  • git reset^2

Log of everything what we have done

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  • git reflog

Resetting to specific place

  • git reset e343212

Resetting to specific place using @ marking, works with stashes

  • git reset HEAD@{2}

Show local and remote branches

  • git branch -a

Get references that have changes in remote repository

  • git fetch

To make git save long filenames, use following.

  • git config --system core.longpaths true

Additional stuff

The Git & Github Bootcamp

Git Bootcamp

Mastering the essentials and the tricky bits. All coursework for the The Git & Github Bootcamp by Colt Steele. With my own added notes.

The Course at Udemy

If the content sparked 🔥 your interest, please consider buying the course and start learning 📖.

Note: The material provided in this repository is only for helping those who may get stuck at any point of time in the course. It is very advised that no one should just copy the solutions(violation of Honor Code) presented here.



Mastering git with different projects/courses.







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