Deprecated 10/27/2023 - Content has been migrated to Destiny.GG Wiki -
This is the GitHub repository for the Destiny Positions website.
It is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.
yarn install
yarn start
This command starts a local development server and open up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
You can run the spellcheck locally using the following command:
yarn run spell-check
This will generate a summary report of the words that are not recognized and that should either be fixed or added to the file .cspell.json
- Content on this site reflects the views and positions of streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell.
- Contributions should be limited to these views and subject to approval.
- This project is hosting agnostic and meant to run on any JAMStack provider.
- Questions or comments outside of PRs can be submitted via E-Mail to
. This GitHub repository is not for political discourse.
Site is deployed to production via Cloudflare Pages with changes focused on the main