If you don't know python, there are some good hints here. If you do, ignore. (In my private repo version) This code was designed to be multithreaded so I maintain the same theme in this non-module based code. To skirt arount API query limits everything is based around minimizing API calls. (I believe the limit is still a burst of 6 calls per-second but can get as high as 50 before rate limiting actually hits....) So, logic being, all account queries are buffered in the class variables. Query once, act hundreds of times. Across all threads.
All spelling and gramatical mistakes are intentional. I can haz chezburger.
tools = Tools()
log = tools.log # We are referencing a class object! (or class variable, whatever makes you happy)
gdax = Client(log, tools, passphrase="", apiKey="", apiSecret="")
# Etc, etc...
normalizedCoin = tools.normalizeCOIN("0.0000000000000000") # Returns "0.00000000"
normalizedUsd = tools.normalizeUSD("0.0000000000000000") # Returns "0.00"
If you don't know if a variable needs to be normalized, just fucking normalize it. If you don't know if a variable is a float type, just fucking make it a float.
GDAX loves to give back 20x place floats, but will bork if you try and send one back to its API. Fuck you GDAX.
buyQuantity = tools.normalizeCOIN(float(buyQuantity) - float(errorMargin))
Normalization WILL round up. This can cause a trade to fail if you attempt to execute a trade that consumes 100% of your funds.
float() your variables during math ALWAYS.
You want to pass a str back to API ALWAYS.
gdax.trade.sell(buyprice, quantity, "ETH-BTC")
result = gdax.trade.sell(sellprice, quantity, "ETH-BTC")
if result is False:
print "OMG"
print result
# update our class variables instead of making direct API calls
for order in gdax.table.orders():
print order
Direct access to account information. GDAX JSON is dumb; Keys are not based off of currency type:
"available": "0.00000362110355",
"balance": "0.0000036211035500",
"currency": "USD",
"hold": "0.0000000000000000",
"id": "asdfsadfsadf",
"profile_id": "sadfsadfsadf"
}, ....
print "---------------------------------- Raw API Data Access"
print gdax.accounts.get() # Raw print
balances = gdax.accounts.get() # Store in python "list" aka "array"
print json.dumps(balances, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str) # Pretty print JSON
print balances[0]['available'] # Access each JSON element from direct API call....
print balances[0]['balance']
print balances[0]['currency']
print balances[0]['hold']
print balances[0]['id']
print balances[0]['profile_id']
print "--------------------------------- Python Dictionary Access"
''' Much cleaner access to account data in python "dictonaries" '''
gdax.accounts.updateBalances() # Call our method to make an API call...
print "Full dictionary:"
print gdax.accounts.balance['USD'] # All the USD things!
print "Single Value:"
print gdax.accounts.balance['USD']['available'] # All the available USD!
print "--------------------------------- Single Coin Access"
''' Shortcut for single coin available balance '''
coin = gdax.accounts.available("USD")
print "Variable Type: %s | Value: %s" % (type(coin), coin)
print "--------------------------------- Normzlizezed Values"
''' Shortcut for single coin available balance '''
print "For USD (str!!!!):"
print "%s" % tools.normalizeUSD(float(coin))
print "For Coin (str!!!!):"
print "%s" % tools.normalizeCOIN(float(coin))
# I love writing shortcut methods. Gramatical programming helps a TON with my ADD
# method to return the raw status of the order..
status = gdax.trade.status("mi_tradeid")
# I shortcut with methods like this:
if gdax.trade.filled("mi_tradeid") is True:
print "Win!"
print "--------------------------------- Nice Logging"
log.debug("Logging is Cute!")
Want to call back to the API directly? Init your client, then leverage Client().authClient for direct API calls. Read more here: https://docs.gdax.com/
gdax = Client(log, tools, passphrase="", apiKey="", apiSecret="")
orderInfo = gdax.authClient.get_order("mi_tradeId")
class Tools(object):
def __init__(self):
def logInit(self):
def normalizeUSD(self, USD):
def normalizeCOIN(self, coin):
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, log, tools, passphrase=None, apiKey=None, apiSecret=None):
self.authClient = ''
self.log = log
self.tools = tools
self.passphrase = passphrase
self.apiKey = apiKey
self.apiSecret = apiSecret
def getOrders(self):
def getOrder(self, tradeId):
def getFills(self):
def getProductOrderBook(self, market, kwargs):
class Trade(object):
def __init__(self, outer):
def sell(self, sellPrice, qty, market):
def buy(self, buyPrice, qty, market):
def status(self, tradeId):
def settled(self, tradeId):
class Accounts(object):
def __init__(self, outer):
self.balance = {}
self.orders = []
self.accounts = []
self.fills = {}
def get(self):
def getHistory(self, accountId=None):
def available(self, coin):
def updateAll(self):
def updateTransfers(self, coin):
def updateBalances(self):
def updateOrders(self):
def updateFills(self, coin):
class Table(object):
def __init__(self, outer):
self.orders = {}
self.spread = 0.00
self.sellBottom = 0.00
self.buyTop = 0.00
def update(self, market):