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ALE v2.2.0

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@w0rp w0rp released this 25 Sep 09:19
· 1902 commits to master since this release

Bugs Fixed

  • prettier_d could replace the contents of a file with an error message if it returned one. #1802
  • ALE now correctly considers classes from tsserver to be function types for auto-completion. #1905
  • Completions weren't showing in Rust for Foo::. #1906
  • Rust completion results caused errors when they were sent in Markdown format. #1794
  • ALE now handles failing to connect to eslint_d when checking and fixing files.
  • tsserver would cause ALE to render errors much more than it needed to. This has been fixed by avoiding re-rendering when empty lists of errors are sent several times in a row.
  • The functionality for parsing C flags now handles more input.

New Features

  • ALE now includes relatedInformation from LSP diagnostics in the detail key of loclist items, so more information about problems can be revealed with :ALEDetail. #1815
  • ALE now uses a the noblock option for jobs and channels available from Vim 8.1 patch 350, which means that ALE doesn't block on sending messages to tsserver or LSP servers. This means there are no strange pauses sometimes. #1800
  • ALE can now optionally automatically open and close the preview window to show detailed information for problem lines by setting g:ale_cursor_detail to 1 before ALE is loaded. g:ale_close_preview_on_insert can be set to 1 before ALE is loaded to automatically close the window upon entering Insert mode. #1889
  • For Vim versions that support it, ALE now kills all jobs when the VimSuspend event is triggered, say via Ctrl + Z.

Other Changes

  • ALE no longer starts linting or displays results while an operator is pending. (Typing an unfinished key sequence.) #1875
  • Names with minuses in Lisp and Clojure are now completed by ALE. #1888

New Linters

New Fixers

Linter Enhancements

  • The cquery language server can now also be started with .cquery files. #1793
  • The rustc linter now uses -Z no-codegen by default. You may have to update your options. #1806
  • ALE no longer runs go env before running go test, which fixes some issues. #1840
  • The go executable for go linters can now be configured with g:ale_go_go_executable. #1873
  • Extra options can now be defined for go vet. #1818
  • Extra options can now be set for phpcs. #1820
  • The options and executable for puppet can now be configured. #1865
  • gitlint no longer warns about B2 errors for trailing whitespace in body text if ale_warn_about_trailing_whitespace is set to 0.
  • All Ruby linters can now be run via bundle by setting the _executable options to a path ending in 'bundle'. #1850
  • The thrift linter now includes files from the same directory as the source file by default. #1927
  • Most Python linters can now be configured to automatically use pipenv where available. #1719

Fixer Enhancements

  • shfmt now uses the buffer's indentation size for formatting. #1932
  • The fixer for adding blank lines before Python control statements now handles more false positives. #1944