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ALE v1.8.0

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@w0rp w0rp released this 25 Mar 12:15
· 2471 commits to master since this release

Deprecated Features

Support for NeoVim versions below 0.2.0 is deprecated in this version of ALE. Users using older versions of NeoVim will see a warning they can turn off when NeoVim starts. Support for NeoVim versions below 0.2.0 will be removed in ALE v2.0.0, to be released during Spring or Summer 2018. NeoVim 0.2.0 supports closures, which will make development of ALE easier.

The following functions will now emit deprecation warnings, and will be removed in ALE 0.2.0.

  • ale#statusline#Status()
  • ALELint()
  • ALEGetStatusLine()

Bugs Fixed

  • tsserver now reports warnings with 'W' and suggestions with 'I'. #1384
  • The tslint exectuable is now escaped. #416
  • Forward slashes in temporary filenames could cause issue with errors being reported on Windows. This has been fixed. #1431
  • Errors returned by fish -n are now handled properly on Linux. #1373
  • ALE will no longer show balloons when g:ale_set_balloons is set to 0 while Vim is running. #1404

New Features

  • ALE now supports wrapping commands that are run. See :help g:ale_command_wrapper. #1115
  • ALE will now send textDocument/didSave to LSP servers when linting is done as the result of saving a file. #1288
  • ALE now increments a variable b:ale_linted when buffers are checked, for use in other plugins. #1379
  • LSP-like clients can now be stopped with :ALEStopAllLSPs.
  • ALE now runs ALEFixPre and ALEFixPost events when fixing files.
  • Balloons can now be disabled for a buffer by setting b:ale_set_balloons to 0. #1404

Other Changes

  • If you specify a fixer which is neither in the registry, nor a valid function name, ALE will now print a friendly message telling you your settings are wrong. #1336

New Linters

New Fixers

Linter Enhancements

  • The gawk linter now prevents arbitrary execution of code by exiting early. #1411
  • The options for ghc can now be configured. #1260
  • The HTML tidy linter will now no longer run the outdated version of tidy which comes with Mac OSX. Install a modern version via homebrew instead. #1262
  • htmlhint will now automatically use the .htmlhintrc configuration file when checking for problems while you type. #1038
  • Syntax errors can now be ignored for mypy with g:ale_python_mypy_ignore_invalid_syntax.
  • The Rust features code will be checked with can now be controlled for the cargo linter. #1275
  • Options for protoc are now configurable. #1268
  • The credo and dogma linters now contain a work-around for an obscure hot-reloading issue. #1266
  • Error messages will be read from stderr for newer versions of ESLint. #1246
  • The hadolint linter now reports Dockerfile parse errors. #1308
  • The hadolint linter now outputs hyperlinks with information about errors for :ALEDetail. #1308
  • Some namespace issues for lintr have been solved. #1326
  • Options can now be set for the gobuild linter. #1206
  • The gobuild linter should now set GOPATH on Windows. #1206
  • The gobuild linter should now escape the path for GOPATH and for changing the directory. #1206
  • The lintr linter can now be set to lint packages. See :help g:ale_r_lintr_lint_package #1332
  • F401 is now a warning and E112 is now a syntax error for pycodestyle and flake8. #476
  • The go vet linter now only lints files and checks the entire package, which solves a number of problems, but removes the ability to use it to lint while you type. #1369 #1358
  • The staticcheck linter for Go can now be set to lint all files in a package, which can solve some problems with linting certain files. See :help g:ale_go_staticcheck_package
  • The perl linter now reports warnings as warnings. #933
  • The perl linter now only shows the first problem among many problems one line. #933
  • The markdown mdl linter options are now configurable. #945
  • Whether warnings are errors are displayed for flawfinder can now be controlled with g:ale_c_flawfinder_error_severity. #1400
  • The gotype linter will now only check files on disk, so it can work with vendored-only dependencies. #1392
  • The gotype and gosimple linters will now check whole packages, which seems like the only thing that will work properly. #1433 #936
  • The mix format options are now configurable. #1410
  • Errors for Japanese text with Redpen will now be highlighted better. #1416
  • Problems with ranges will now be handled for the remark linter. #1207

Fixer Enhancements

  • The elm-format fixer is now available as 'elm-format', in addition to the old name of 'format'. #1395