An AD0-E702 certification exercise module: see the execution order of plugins via the debug log.
> bin/magento ad0e702:trigger:plugins
The demo plugins have been triggerred successfully.
Please inspect var/log/Denal05_Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog/debug.log
Mark Shust has written an excellent article on this topic:
The Unexpected Behavior of Magento Plugin Execution Order
According to the devdocs there are three scenarios:
Plugin A | Plugin B | Plugin C | |
sortOrder | 10 | 20 | 30 |
before | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() |
around | |||
after | afterExecute() | afterExecute() | afterExecute() |
The following equivalent results are expected for Scenario A:
Plugin A (sort order 10): beforeExecute()
Plugin B (sort order 20): beforeExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): beforeExecute()
Plugin A (sort order 10): afterExecute()
Plugin B (sort order 20): afterExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): afterExecute()
The following is a relevant excerpt from var/log/Denal05_Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog/debug.log
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.013425+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginASortOrder10::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.013787+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginBSortOrder20::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.013985+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginCSortOrder30::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.014372+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginASortOrder10::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.014638+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginBSortOrder20::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:16:09.014795+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginCSortOrder30::afterExecute [] []
SCENARIO B (with a callable
Plugin A | Plugin D | Plugin C | |
sortOrder | 10 | 20 | 30 |
before | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() |
around | aroundExecute() | ||
after | afterExecute() | afterExecute() | afterExecute() |
The following equivalent results are expected for Scenario B:
Plugin A (sort order 10): beforeExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): beforeExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): aroundExecute() - 1st half before callable
Plugin C (sort order 30): beforeExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): afterExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): aroundExecute() - 2nd half after callable
Plugin A (sort order 10): afterExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): afterExecute()
The following is a relevant excerpt from var/log/Denal05_Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog/debug.log
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.881321+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginASortOrder10::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.881672+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginDSortOrder20AroundWithCallable::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.881807+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginDSortOrder20AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute first half [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.881982+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginCSortOrder30::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.882340+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginCSortOrder30::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.882571+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginDSortOrder20AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute second half [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.882766+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginASortOrder10::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-15T20:47:33.882981+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginDSortOrder20AroundWithCallable::afterExecute [] []
SCENARIO B (without a callable
Plugin A | Plugin E | Plugin C | |
sortOrder | 10 | 20 | 30 |
before | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() |
around | aroundExecute() - no callable | ||
after | afterExecute() | afterExecute() | afterExecute() |
At the present I'm getting an error that I'm passing it something unexpected:
There is an error in /var/www/ad0-e702/generated/code/Denal05/Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog/Console/Command/TriggerPluginsCommand/Interceptor.php at line: 23 Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Console\Command\TriggerPluginsCommand\Interceptor::execute(): Return value must be of type int, Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput returned#0 /var/www/ad0-e702/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php(326): Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Console\Command\TriggerPluginsCommand\Interceptor->execute()
Plugin F | Plugin B | Plugin G | |
sortOrder | 10 | 20 | 30 |
before | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() | beforeExecute() |
around | aroundExecute() | aroundExecute() | |
after | afterExecute() | afterExecute() | afterExecute() |
The following equivalent results are expected for Scenario C:
Plugin F (sort order 10): beforeExecute()
Plugin F (sort order 10): aroundExecute() - 1st half before callable
Plugin B (sort order 20): beforeExecute()
Plugin G (sort order 30): beforeExecute()
Plugin G (sort order 30): aroundExecute() - 1st half before callable
Plugin G (sort order 30): aroundExecute() - 2nd half after callable
Plugin B (sort order 20): afterExecute()
Plugin G (sort order 30): afterExecute()
Plugin F (sort order 10): aroundExecute() - 2nd half after callable
Plugin F (sort order 10): afterExecute()
The following is a relevant excerpt from var/log/Denal05_Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog/debug.log
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.941232+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginFSortOrder10AroundWithCallable::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.941499+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginFSortOrder10AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute first half [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.941658+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginBSortOrder20::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.941815+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginGSortOrder30AroundWithCallable::beforeExecute [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.941918+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginGSortOrder30AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute first half [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.947531+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginGSortOrder30AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute second half [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.947806+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginBSortOrder20::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.947975+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginGSortOrder30AroundWithCallable::afterExecute [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.948133+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginFSortOrder10AroundWithCallable::aroundExecute second half [] []
[2025-02-17T10:47:01.948290+00:00] main.DEBUG: Denal05\Ad0e702ExerciseSeePluginExecOrderViaLog\Plugin\PluginFSortOrder10AroundWithCallable::afterExecute [] []
Now, why is that? What governs this weird plugin execution order?
After some careful observation, it seems that three rules emerge, in the following order of importance:
- The lower the sort order, the higher the priority.
- The "before" methods come first, then the "around", and finally the "after" methods
- The "around" methods encapsulate the rest of the plugins
This explains all three scenarios. Let's take a look at scenarios A and B with callable:
Scenario A
Plugin A (sort order 10): beforeExecute()
Plugin B (sort order 20): beforeExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): beforeExecute()
Plugin A (sort order 10): afterExecute()
Plugin B (sort order 20): afterExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): afterExecute()
- Since the most important rule is that the plugin with the lowest sort order number has the highest priority, Plugin A executes first.
- Furthermore, since "before" comes, well, before the "after", the "before" method of Plugin A executes first.
- The rest is history.
Scenario B
Plugin A (sort order 10): beforeExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): beforeExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): aroundExecute() - 1st half before callable
Plugin C (sort order 30): beforeExecute()
Plugin C (sort order 30): afterExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): aroundExecute() - 2nd half after callable
Plugin A (sort order 10): afterExecute()
Plugin D (sort order 20): afterExecute()
- Plugin A has the lowest sort order number, i.e., the highest priority, so it executes first. Furthermore, the "before" method of Plugin A executes first.
- The next priority is Plugin D's "before" method.
- Next comes the first half of Plugin D's "around" method, which encapsulates the rest of the plugins (in this case only Plugin C).
- Then Plugin C's "before" method executes, and afterwards its "after" method.
- Now the plugin stack starts to pop: Plugin C is done, and the second half of Plugin D's "around" method finishes.
- Lastly, the "after" methods execute, but according to priority, Plugin A's "after" method comes before Plugin D's "after" method.