This web-service is for management software and hardware platform of a managed ecosystem. You can plant something there, chose way of care and don't worry about watering your plant. Platform will do it for you. It also can illuminate plant if you want to. Just add it to your care list.
- Register
- Authenticate
- Register you device
- Delete your device
- Chose plant that is in your device
- Chose default way of care or create your own
- Create your own way of care
- Change you own way of care
Each watering session is described by 3 values:
- Session start time - 00:00 - 23:00 with step of 1 hour
- Water volume - 50ml - 1000ml with step 50ml
- Session frequency - 1 day - 1 month
Each illumination session is described by 3 values:
- Session start time - 00:00 - 23:00 with step of 1 hour
- Session duration - 1 hour - 23 hour with step of 1 hour
- Session frequency - 1 day - 1 month
You can have as much both watering and illumination sessions as you want
- Add disposable sessions
- Add fertilize session type