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Enemy Loss Tracker

Enemy Loss Tracker is an iOS application developed as a test task for the MacPaw Bootcamp programme for the position of Junior macOS/iOS Software Engineer. The purpose of the app is to display data on russian losses during the russian invasion of Ukraine

Project Details

  • Xcode Version: 14.3
  • Programming Languages: Swift
  • User Interface: Built using UIKit programmatically


  1. SplashView Screen: The initial screen that users see when they start the application. It's used for application initialization.

  2. Losses Screen: This screen displays the total losses of enemy military equipment and personnel based on data received on a specific date.

  3. Equipment Losses Screen: This screen lists military equipment losses. It provides search functionality and allows users to view detailed information about selected equipment categories.

  4. Equipment Losses Detail View: This screen opens when a specific row is selected on the Equipment Losses screen. It provides additional information about the loss of a particular piece of equipment, such as model, manufacturer, and total loss amount.

  5. Donations Screen: This screen displays a list of charitable contributions or donors. It allows users to interact with individual donors, navigate to detailed information, or visit the donor's website.

Data Source

The application fetches data from the repository using the URLSession class. Core Data framework is used to store and manage the downloaded data, which is then decoded and processed.

Technologies Used

  • URLSession: Interacting with external resources (APIs, JSON files, etc.).
  • Core Data: Storing and managing downloaded data.
  • Grand Central Dispatch (GCD): Controlling parallel and asynchronous task processing.
  • MVC Design Pattern: Organizing the application's architecture.
  • Singleton Pattern: Managing global data and functionality.
  • Unit Testing: Creating unit tests for various components of the application.
  • Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Designing the user interface according to Apple's guidelines.


Next Steps

The future improvements for the application include:

  • Enhancing the UI components for a better user experience.
  • Adding more advanced features to equipment models.
  • Developing comprehensive unit and UI tests.
  • Improving overall application performance.
  • Displaying more detailed analytics on losses.

Preparing for App Store Submission

Before publishing the app to the App Store, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Localisation: Implement localization to support multiple languages.
  2. Optimisation: Optimize code, reduce memory usage, and minimize load times.
  3. Security Measures: Implement security measures to protect user data and ensure compliance with privacy policies.
  4. Apple Developer Account: Sign up for an Apple developer account.
  5. App Store Connect Configuration: Create an app ID and configure necessary App Store Connect settings.
  6. Meta-Data: Fill in metadata information for the app.
  7. Review Guidelines: Review Apple's App Store review guidelines to ensure compliance.
  8. Verification Process: Go through Apple's app verification process.

By following these steps, the app will be prepared for submission to the App Store, ensuring a smooth and successful launch.

Слава Україні!🇺🇦


This application is a test task for the Bootcamp programme.







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