After 5 of those trajectories have been created, use to score the frames of each trajectory using RWPlus can then create a single averaged structure from each top-scoring-frames trajectory, run SCWRL4 on it to optimize sidechains, then energy minimize.
Dependencies: RWPlus, SCWRL4, Gromacs Python libraries: OpenMM, MDTraj
SCWRL4 license and install instructions available at:
The calRWplus executable is available at:
A direct link to install the calRWplus executable and required *dat files for 64-bit Linux systems:
Details on installing Gromacs are available at:
Note: Gromacs is only used for its supporting tools, not actual running of MD simulations.
OpenMM is a python library that can be installed with conda:
conda install -c conda-forge openmm
MDTraj is also a python library that can be installed with conda:
conda install -c conda-forge mdtraj