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Nick Olinger edited this page Aug 9, 2018 · 3 revisions


To start using Barcelona, you'll first need to deploy Barcelona API service. Install docker in your machine and run the bellow command.

$ docker run --rm -it bin/bootstrap

Install Barcelona Client

  1. Download Barcelona client
  2. Unzip and place the binary on your PATH

Login Barcelona

$ bcn login https://<barcelona domain>

You will be asked GitHub token. Provide it and bcn generates an SSH key pair and register the public key to Barcelona service.

Now you have logged in. Try the below command to get district list.

$ bcn district list

This command shows a list of districts that your Barcelona has. At this point, Barcelona only has default district where Barcelona API service is running.

Your First App

Create Endpoint

Run the below command.

$ bcn endpoint create --district=default my-endpoint

This command creates a new endpoint in the default district. Endpoint is an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint that receives HTTP/HTTPS requests from the Internet and proxies them to your app. In the next step, you'll create your app and the app has a relationship with this endpoint.

Run the below command to get the endpoint's domain.

$ bcn endpoint show --district=default my-endpoint

It will return "DNS Name" once the endpoint creation is done.

Create your app

Create a new file in the current directory naming it barcelona.yml with the following content.

    name: sinatra-demo
    image_name: k2nr/sinatra-barcelona
      - name: web
        service_type: web
        cpu: 32
        memory: 128
        command: bundle exec ruby main.rb
          - endpoint: my-endpoint
            health_check_path: /

And run the below create command.

$ bcn create -e production --district=default

It will create your app in the default district. Wait a few minutes for the app to be created, and access to the endpoint's DNS name.

Deploy a new version

You can provide a docker image tag for deploy command.

$ bcn deploy -e production --tag v2

Normal work flow is as follows.

  1. Develop your application
  2. build and push a docker image and add tag to it
  3. bcn deploy -e production --tag <tag name>