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Defense Unicorns UDS Identity and Access Management (IDAM)

Pre-built Zarf Package of to support identity and access management to compliment a DUBBD deployment.


  • Zarf is installed locally with a minimum version of v0.28.3
  • Optional: A working Kubernetes cluster on v1.26+ -- e.g k3d, k3s, KinD, etc (Zarf can be used to deploy a built-in k3s distribution)
  • Working kube context (kubectl get nodes <-- this command works)
  • Cypress testing requires Node.js version 16.x, 18.x, 20.x


In preparation for an external DB, Keycloak variables have been exposed for connecting to those DB's. By default IdAM no longer supplies it's own in-cluster postgresql DB, however the orignial DB can be enabled by setting this variable to true.

Client Credentials

Official Documentation here.

The default-realm.json does not incorporate client credential secrets by default. This means that since the secret is not defined it will be generated when Keycloak is created. Below is an example of how to setup the realm import file to have a static client credential that is user defined rather than generated value.

Add the following to a client object in a realm import json file:

"secret": "client-credential-secret-value"

Client Definition Example
      "id": "b6d2395b-3e78-4d61-96cd-3ab2ae0ef7ed",
      "clientId": "account",
      "name": "<h1>Developer</h1><h4>Account Login</h4>",
      "description": "",
      "rootUrl": "${authBaseUrl}",
      "baseUrl": "/realms/myrealm/account/",
      "surrogateAuthRequired": false,
      "enabled": true,
      "alwaysDisplayInConsole": false,
      "clientAuthenticatorType": "client-secret",
      "secret": "client-credential-secret-value",
      "redirectUris": [
      "webOrigins": [],
      "notBefore": 0,
      "bearerOnly": false,
      "consentRequired": false,
      "standardFlowEnabled": true,
      "implicitFlowEnabled": false,
      "directAccessGrantsEnabled": false,
      "serviceAccountsEnabled": false,
      "publicClient": false,
      "frontchannelLogout": false,
      "protocol": "openid-connect",
      "attributes": {},
      "authenticationFlowBindingOverrides": {},
      "fullScopeAllowed": false,
      "nodeReRegistrationTimeout": 0,
      "defaultClientScopes": [],
      "optionalClientScopes": []

Getting Started

# Create a new k3d cluster with DUBBD + UDS-SSO + UDS-IDAM and an example mission application protected by SSO:
make cluster/full

Zarf Variables Configuration

Name Description Default Type Notes
REALM Keycloak realm name default-realm
KEYCLOAK_SUBDOMAIN Subdomain for keycloak deployment keycloak
DOMAIN Base Domain
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_USERNAME Default admin username admin
KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD Default admin password sup3r-secret-p@ssword
KEYCLOAK_KEY_FILE X509 key file path FILE
KEYCLOAK_CERT_FILE X509 certificate file path FILE
REALM_IMPORT_FILE JSON realm import file path realm.json FILE
REALM_TRUSTSTORE_FILE Keycloak truststore file path truststore.jks.b64 FILE MUST BE BASE64 ENCODED
REALM_CUSTOM_REG_FILE Platform One plugin config file path customreg.yaml FILE
KEYCLOAK_VALUES Keycloak chart values file path values-keycloak.yaml FILE
KEYCLOAK_DEPENDS_ON Keycloak dependencies []
KEYCLOAK_CREATE_NAMESPACE Create Keycloak namespace true
KEYCLOAK_DEV_DB_ENABLED Deploy in cluster database false
KEYCLOAK_DB_USERNAME Database username kcadmin
KEYCLOAK_DB_PASSWORD Database password sup3r-secret-p@ssword
KEYCLOAK_DB_NAME Database name keycloak
KEYCLOAK_DB_ENDPOINT Database endpoint keycloak-postgresql.keycloak.svc.cluster.local

Creating releases

The pipeline uses release-please-action for versioning and releasing OCI packages. This will automatically update metadata.version field in zarf.yaml to the same version number that is used for the release tag. To make this work, the version field must be surrounded by Release Please's annotations,

  # x-release-please-start-version
  version: "0.2.1"
  # x-release-please-end

More information on this can be found in Release Please's documentation.

How should I write my commits?

Before commiting it is recommended to run tests. Use the make target: make test/idam to run the smoke tests.

Release Please assumes you are using Conventional Commit messages.

The most important prefixes you should have in mind are:

  • fix: which represents bug fixes, and correlates to a SemVer patch.
  • feat: which represents a new feature, and correlates to a SemVer minor.
  • feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., which represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a SemVer major.

When the change is merged to the trunk, Release Please will calculate what changes are included and will create another PR to increase the version and tag a new release. This will also automatically generate a new set of packages in the OCI registry.

Cypress Testing

These tests require that a local keycloak be deployed and running, by default it will look for keycloak at By using the make target make test/idam the npm install process will be run before the tests are run to hopefully make sure local environment is configured properly.

FileName Description
package.json Cypress is a node based framework and depends on a lot of node artifacts. The package.json file defines useful scripts and dependencies that are necessary for running cypress tests.
package-lock.json File for maintaining and keep track of dependency versions across environments and developers
cypress.config.js A configuration file that's a great place to put reusable behavior such as custom commands or global overrides that you want to be applied and available to all of your spec files. For example turning off video recording of tests run with cypress run. More Configuration options
e2e/*.cy.js These files are where the Cypress tests are kept and defined
fixtures/*.json Fixtures are used as external pieces of static data that can be used by your tests
support/commands.js Very similiar to config files but for adding Cypress commands that are more complex, for example adding beforeEach and AfterEach methods or in the case of IdAM, a Login and Logout method
support/e2e.js This file controls if the support/commands.js file is served up automatically to the e2e tests

Current Tests

Admin Authn Console Tests Description
Verify Keycloak Admin Console is Reachable Test to make sure that the admin console is up and reachable for cypress testing
Successfully Login Validate the flow where an admin is presented the Admin Authn Console Login page, admin enters their username and password and clicks the submit button. Then they should be inside of the console and there should be at a minimum three active cookies for tracking their session in keycloak.
Invalid Credential Login Validate that when an admin enters the wrong username or password that the they dont get authenticated and instead there is a warning popup that they entered the wrong credentials.
User Authn Console Tests Description
Before Before the tests in this spec, a test realm, client, and user will be created
User Login Test to verify that when a test user access a URL that is protected by keycloak, they are prompted to login, and can successfully authenticate.
After After the tests have completed the test realm, client, and user will be removed

NPM Scripts - cypress open - Setup the interactive Cypress Testing UI - cypress run -browser chrome - Script for running all cypress tests headlessly with a chrome browser

Running Tests

An npm script has been configured to run all Cypress Tests : npm run

Alternatively a make target has been created pointing to the npm script, this will also run the npm install process: make test/idam

To run a specific spec file use the -s <spec file name> flag with the npm test script : npm run -- -s cypress/e2e/