Tags: ddkauffman/jeta
feature/api raven v1.8.5 (spacetelescope#39) * wip: update raven. * wip: auth token. * wip: fetch.
JSKA-88 (spacetelescope#31) * JSKA-88: home dir sync on deploy or restart. * JSKA-88 bump version. * JSKA-88 fix: date in change log.
Releases/2018.1.0.0 (spacetelescope#3) * Make update_archive.py module py3-compatible * Update version to 3.44 * dev: walking the code. outputting files. * mod: outputting hdf5 without error with code hackery. * Added: delta times poc and fleshed out more ideas. * Bug Fix: fixed issue with adding _values.h5 to filename not being propagated thru entire ingest. * JSKA-5 test commit github link. * Refactor: attempt to re-integrate code after incorporating new update_archive.py file. * Successful basic ingest. * JSKA-10 The ingest process now generates a separate directory for each mnemonic. * JSKA-9 new directories are created for each mnemonic + comments added to DataProduct methods. * JSKA-5 Merged: JSKA-9 and JSKA-10 into Epic Story JSKA-5 with comments. This code works with the sample input file in creating separate directories for each mnemonic (JSKA-9) and creating values.h5 files inside each of those directories (JSKA-10). Issues for creating times.h5 and index.h5 are still in development in different branches. This code is committed to a test/ branch until a review. * JSKA-11 times.h5 files and now created and populated for each mnemonic. * JSKA-11 times.h5 now contains delta times for each mnemonic. * Mostly working index file generation. * Fixed: out files being overwritten instead of being appended. * time range progress * Working fetch with hardcoded start and end times. * fixed: special case where fetch range extends to last index. * cleaned up before continuing. * added: data source pathway while debugging Msidset function. * debug changes. * added: new package structure. * minor: fixed some spelling and formatting mistakes. * mod: setup and versioning infomation.
Merge pull request spacetelescope#127 from sot/add-msids-tdb-updates Add new MSIDS resulting from TDB updates since P004
Merge pull request spacetelescope#126 from sot/data-source-fix Fix a bug for zero-length queries