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Releases: dd86k/0xdd

0xdd v0.7.0.2 - Maintenance

16 Feb 03:46
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  • Changed navigation behavior (e.g. end of file is now CTRL+END just like in a text editor)
  • Updated Copyright information
  • Now uses .NET 4.6.2 (Mono tested)

v0.7 ─ Anniversary Update

08 Oct 17:23
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A few days ago (October 5th), 0xdd turned a year old, ever since its first appearance on Github.

Two days before that, I noticed that 0xdd hasn't received any attention within 3 months, and back then was when I was trying to implement the read process' memory feature, which unfortunately did not work very well.

After a week or so of work, I want to present to you: 0xdd v0.7.

New UI

That's right, a revamped EDIT-like UI is now the new looks of 0xdd.

The ControlPanel would not flat out on larger screens, which by itself ate two lines out of the console window. So the MainPanel now has those two extra lines.

Instead of just removing the panel, I added a menubar, traditional to Windows, that feels nicer to use, and adding new items will be a breeze!


To access the new menu, press the Escape (^ESC) key, then use the arrow keys to navigate within the menu. The enter key is used to select items. To get out, press the Escape key. I could not choose LALT (Left Alt) because it is considered as a modifier key in C#.

The old shortcuts (Find, Goto, etc.) have not disappeared, so no worries about them.

Source structure

No more "everything in one file". By splitting the classes to new files, I finally feel the source is more organized, having less time to scroll around.


I now plan to use git branches for versioning, experimentation, and new features in the future.

I hope you'll enjoy the new version!



  • Added MenuBarPanel.
  • The filename is now the title of the console session or window.
  • Removed TitlePanel.
  • Removed ControlPanel.


  • The panel will now display the values according to the current offset base.


  • Optimized.
  • Removed file owner.

0xdd.exe : Normal release build
0xddo.exe : CIL optimized build, best for Windows

v0.6.2 - Get back on Mono, you!

13 Apr 19:51
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Thanks for my buddy chummy pally bud friendo pat, I resolved a few issues.



  • Added two more flags to file info: Hidden (t) and Temporary (t)


  • [#2] Fixed crashing when filesize is of 0 (DividedByZeroException)
  • [#3] Fixed when the app crashes and the cursor was still hidden
  • [#4] Fixed crashing on getting username on file (Win32NT only for now)
  • Fixed leftovers on startup (clear console)

v0.6.1 - Eh?

11 Apr 20:13
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v0.6.1 - Eh? Pre-release


~ Added more info on ^I
* Fixed error on exit

v0.6 - /Regex?/

18 Mar 14:10
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v0.6 - /Regex?/ Pre-release

Hope you like goodies because I have a few!


+ Added regular expressions for data searching, starts and ends with '/', and it uses the ECMAScript syntax
+ Added file navigation where it will snap and align to lines (CTRL+RIGHT and CTRL+LEFT arrow keys)

! Improved user entry (can move cursor to insert characters in the textbox)
! 0xdd will now allow other programs to read the current file again

* Fixed not displaying "OK" when dumping a file
* Fixed position when data could not be found
* Fixed autosizing on start
* Fixed some typos!


* Fixed when exiting

0xdd.exe - Release
0xddo.exe - Optimized release

v0.5.5 - We Like To Polish

16 Mar 03:57
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0xdd.exe - Release build
0xddo.exe - Optimized release build


* Finally fixed Data search
* The app will now return an ErrorCode (0 to 255)
* The app will now create a log file on crash
* Fixed position to 0 when screen size changes
* ControlPanel will only put shortcuts necessary to the window width

EDIT: Typo

v0.5.4 - fuck

04 Mar 00:41
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v0.5.4 - fuck Pre-release


* Fixed Find byte on error

v0.5.3 - Very sorry!

04 Mar 00:14
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v0.5.3 - Very sorry! Pre-release


* Fixed Find action
* Fixed when trying to find data with a very small file

v0.5.2 - Fixu fixu~

03 Mar 02:25
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v0.5.2 - Fixu fixu~ Pre-release


~ Added POS to InfoPanel
~ Improved app's speed
* Fixed fullscreen
* Fixed dumping a file
* Fixed autosize
* Fixed manual sizing
* Improved experience for user input
* Fixed Find action

v0.5.1 - WOAH

28 Feb 05:05
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v0.5.1 - WOAH Pre-release

When you miss one thing... But it's fixed now.

As usual, 0xddo.exe is the optimized IL build while the other is the normal build.