A collection of information around my Fantastic Fest experiences.
may not compile/install correctly on macOS if certain libraries can't be found by the compiler. In particular, compiles were failing when openssl libraries were not found. I set export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"; export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include";
to tell the compiler where to find Homebrew-installed openssl and things worked after that.
First, PostgreSQL is the required database. This project uses PostgreSQL fields and features, such as Array fields and VIEWs. The cinema app's initial migration creates a GIN index on the country field of the Film model, and a cinema_countries PostgreSQL VIEW that presents distinct country names as populated from the film tables countries array column.
After you create the database, you can populate it with some included data:
If you run python manage.py loaddata fantasticfest/fixtures/fantasticfests.json
to create event entries for Fantastic Fests, you'll be able to run the following to import film data for 2012-2015 and associate each film with the correct festival:
for i in {2012..2015}; do python manage.py importfilms --event fantastic-fest-$i data/films/$i; echo "Pant, pant, pant."; done;
You could run something like the following to scrape films from a website, but that may be cruel.
for i in {2012..2015}; do python manage.py scrapefilmsfromlist --savepath data/films/$i --url http://fantasticfest.com/films/category/festival-year-$i --max-pages 7; echo "Pant, pant, pant."; done;