Evolve-D(earborn) encapsulates simplicity, function, and style as it unites many notable Moodle theme features into an evolved "More" theme. Evolve-D applies famed theme elements such as a custom frontpage, Google Fonts, My Courses dropdown, block icons, a frontpage image display and a variety of other enhancements made popular in Essential, Aardvark, and other Moodle Themes. The evolve-D theme's appeal comes from it's simple 2 column design, muted colors, and focus on displaying content and minimizing distractions.
Dearborn Public Schools is a K-12 school distict in Dearborn, Michigan. We designed and use evolve-D on our Moodle site.
Special thanks to Aardvark and Essential theme developers Shaun Daubney and Julian Ridden for thier work which is replicated in part here.
Special care has been taken to make this theme for the teachers of Dearborn Public Schools. We support and love Moodle. evolved-D 2.0.6 Release Notes:
- Another Language fix. Sorry for so many updates. This is the final unless an issue is found.
evolved-D 2.0.5 Release Notes:
- Fixed background color issue for current topic/week not changing color.
- Added ability to customize Socialwall timeline labels. These labels identify different areas of the post structure such as the Post, the Message contained in the post, Comments, and Attachments. With custom labels you can change the text and icon to localize it.
evolved-D 2.0.4 Release Notes:
- Video Demonstration https://youtu.be/XSgFnYXgz_E
- Added Language strings to custom login page.
- Added a fix for some special Socialwall Course Format styling in which we used CSS :before selectors to inject text such as Attachments, Comments, Message, and Post. This led to problems with other languages. We added the top 4 languages and instructions on how to change this if you use Evolve-D with Socialwall Course format. This is not an issue unless you have the Socialwall Course Format installed.
- Added new CSS styling to course sections and weeks so that each section is clearly seperated providing visual cues to the learner of section/weekly breaks.
- Added new theme admin page Socialwall Course Format Options. Will allow Moodle Admin to pick colors for the socialwall course format timeline. Must be using the Socialwall Course Format https://moodle.org/plugins/browse.php?list=set&id=74
- Special thanks to Mary Evans and germanvaleroelizondo for helping identify and fix some of the language issues to be more universal.
evolved-D 2.0.3 Release Notes:
- Many css issues were fixed. Mainly the editbuttons, forum search field, and Annotate PDF lightbox.
evolved-D 2.0.2 Release Notes:
- Added frontpage slideshow with thumbnails. Not necessarily a slideshow but it will display 4 images with clickable thumbnails. I am not a fan of slideshows and really do not want to add one into my Moodle theme.
- Many CSS fixes.
- Ability to add up to 8 icons and links for the custom frontpage navigation bar.
evolve-D Release Notes:
- Custom full screen stylish frontpage
- Smarter/simplified homepage to get students and teachers into courses fast
- Enhancement of core theme "More"
- Works with Moodle 2.7+ and 2.8+
- Matching Mahara ePortfolio theme Download dbnmahara
- Google Font Selector
- Custom logo
- Custom colors and backgrounds
- Super nice breadcrumb styling
- Attention to details with shading and other visual enhancements to course pages
- Smarter navigation with My Courses and My Dashboard drop down menus (NOTE: My Dashboard dropdown is being removed as this is now a standard feature of Moodle 2.8.)
- Bootstrap responsive design
- Stylish block icons to enhance visuals