A simple consumer for SNS notifications from AWS. It stores the notifications received from SES and every hour will process them and mail the users with the content of all SES received since the last process ran.
- When subscribing to a SNS topic it is required to manually confirm the subscription
- Create a database schema using the provided schema.
- Synchronize the datamodel with the newly created schema.
- Open the file "application.properties" located at \src\main\resources
- Edit MySQL server configuration
- Edit the AWS SES configuration with your SES credentials
To run as a docker container
Browse to:
docker build -t komoot . docker run -p 8080:8080 -t komoot
To run as a single jar and in background
Browse to:
nohup java -jar Komoot-1.0.jar &
To run as a single jar
Browse to:
java -jar Komoot-1.0.jar
Log location: /var/log
Log file: app.log
If running inside a docker container, you'll need to enter the container and browse to the log location file.
To enter a docker container, first get the container id with the following command:
docker ps
Then enter the container with:
docker exec -it **the_docker_container_id** /bin/bash
Now browse to /var/log