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Da Vinci Script (DAVI) - Superfast web language based on GO

Davi is a superfast web language based on GO. It is a simple and easy to use language that can be used to create web applications. Davi is a compiled language, which means that it is converted into machine code before it is run. This makes it very fast and efficient.


// Simple Hello World program

echo("Hello, World!");


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  • Simple and easy to use
  • Fast and efficient
  • Supports multiple platforms
  • Similar syntax to PHP
  • Support for websockets
  • Support for databases
  • Support for RESTful APIs
  • Support for JSON
  • Easy to learn


To install Davi, you need to download last release here.

Getting Started

To get started with Davi, you need to create a new file with the .davi extension. You can then write your code in this file and run it using the Davi interpreter.

Here is an example of a simple Davi program:


// This is a comment
$test = "Hello, World!";
echo("Time is:", time());
echo("Test calculation: 1+2*3=", 1 + 2 * 3);
echo(1 + 2 * 3);

// Variable declaration
$timeHandler = function() {
    $time = time();

// Variable assignment
$calculationHandler = function() {
    return(5 + 5);
echo $calculationHandler();
echo time();

// Array declaration
$names = ["John", "Doe", "Jane", "Doe"];

// If statement
$age = 30;
if ($age > 18) {
    echo("You are an adult");
} else {
    echo("You are a child");

// For loop
$list = ["Bozhidar", "Veselinov", "Slaveykov", "Asenov"];
sort($list, lower);
for ($x in $list) {

// Define a class
class Person {
    public function greet() {
        echo("Hello, my name is Bozhidar!");

// Create an instance of the class
$person = new Person();

// output: "Hello, my name is Bozhidar!"


To run this program, save it to a file called hello.davi and run the following command:

davi hello.davi


For more information on how to use Davi, you can check out the official documentation here.


If you would like to contribute to Davi, you can do so by forking the repository and submitting a pull request. You can also report any issues or bugs that you find by opening an issue on the repository.