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First time working with the amazing P5.js library. Made a concept that's all about me as a designer. Learn more about me by watching the project here ๐Ÿ‘‡


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Personal Generative Timeline

alt text

Read my improvements for the resit here.


  • Name: David van Rumpt
  • Class: vid-1B
  • Minor: Visual Interface Design, Communicaction and Multimedia Design
  • Favoriete dier: as long as it is a combination link
  • Start level: blue


This project is all about me as a designer. What are my qualities? What kind of projects have I made in the past? You're going to find oyt more about who I am. This project excist out of two pages: 1. Landing page with my qualities as a designer with generated words and interactive hover 2. All of the projects I've made from when I was 8 years old.


index.html There are two great features on this page. You can move your cursors over the text that is displayed, which will give you a sick effect. Also you can renew the page by clicking on the ๐Ÿ”„ icon. This will give you a new word each time you refresh the page.

timeline.html On this page you can drag the slider which will add more and more circles to the screen.

Research & inspiration


In the first two weeks I was busy with getting to know the basics of the P5 Library and refreshing my knowledge about JavaScript. Which I found very hard. JavaScript can do a lot, but it's very hard to know everything about it. Fortunately, that is not necessary. The most important thing is to have a good concept so you can look up some things to realize it and make it work.

I did some exercises to get a feeling of what the possibilities are with P5. Watch all my skecthes in the online webeditor here.

alt text

The first thing that I made was the animation of my name. My name itself excists out of shapes only, so that was a good exercise to . After that, I picked some examples from the P5.js website and changed values to see what happend. And also I started to make a function which allowed me to change words each time I pressed on a button. That didn't go well for a period, but it worked at the end.

Future Proof

Some things that I had in mind, but didn't work already at the time I finished this project:

  • Centering the words
  • Only refresh the words, not the whole page
  • Generate words from personal database
  • Don't allow the algorithm to generate the same words in a row


My concept was good at the middle of the project. But I could have asked more feedback and help from my teacher and students around me. Because I've made the most important things at the end of the project, I couldn't iterate very good in terms of code. I would love to make the code work even better and put it on my online portfolio.



Dive into the code within your own text editor? You only need to clone this repository. Put this in your terminal:

git clone

Second change

Some feedback that I've got after handing in my first trial:

  • Remove the timeline
  • Make a transition from all the many dots to something like 10 circles for the projects I wanna show > adjust radius (for the scale) + position
  • Place images inside of the circles
  • Centering the text > try windowWidth/2 & windowHeight/2
  • Rectmode If I could make the timeline, then:
  • Slider from 0 to 30 instead of 300
  • Place years inside of the circles
  • Show projects from the past 3 years, not 10 years. Too much work

General feedback: ask feedback as much as possible. It will keep you moving and improving.

Future proof

  • API that interests me

Things I've adjusted:

  • Removed the timeline Todo:
  • Some colors for extra flavor?
  • Animate circles from text into big ones

Change circle value

So for my new plan I had to change the amount of the circles. When we console.log(points), we can see that each word has his own amount of circles. Which is logic. But we only need 5 of them for when we press on the button. So how can we do that? console.log(points[0]); when i use this code I can pick out one of the elements in the array.

Here are my outwritten thoughts:

  • Always pick the first 5 circles of the array and remove the other ones.

Some different kind of options are possible here. So let's see which will work best.

var ar = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

ar.length = 4; // set length to remove elements
console.log( ar ); // [1, 2, 3, 4]`

I think this will work best

 let points = font.textToPoints(randomword, posX, posY, 130);
points.length = 4;
console.log( points );

I tried this. Worked out perfectly. It only showed 4 circles. Now I have to make it work only when a button is pressed. Here I could probably use something like a onClick() function. Okey nevermind. Apparently that's a no-go. So I think a have to search for a eventListener.

  • So I removed the link I used. And added a button. Otherwise the eventListener won't work.

  • Added the following code to try and change the length of the array:

    let button = document.getElementById("button");

    button.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ points.length = 4; console.log("button works"); })


    But with the code I can see the value of the first 4 elements in the array, but the image won't change. All the circles remain on the screen. So i think this code dont work. I used points.length but I think it has to be something that will delete the other items also.

    Let's try .splice()

    let array = ["a", "b", "c"];

let index = 1; array.splice(index, 1); [ 'b' ] array; [ 'a', 'c' ]

`let myFish = ['angel', 'clown', 'mandarin', 'sturgeon'] let removed = myFish.splice(2)

// myFish is ["angel", "clown"] // removed is ["mandarin", "sturgeon"]`


I've used this:

points.splice(5, 234);

And each time I did get the same output in the console. Super frustrating. I think that I know what the problem is.

let points = font.textToPoints(randomword, posX, posY, 130);

Points only a variable of something. The amount of circles is now defined by the randomword.

I give up. Nothing really worked out very well.

It's about showing some of my work & showing some of my personalitites so users can get to know me better

Used this code for experimenting with my second concept. I was trying to put in images in side of a square. But it didn't really worked out very well.


First time working with the amazing P5.js library. Made a concept that's all about me as a designer. Learn more about me by watching the project here ๐Ÿ‘‡








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