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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Run build.cmd, this should create the following folder:

  • Build/Database - This is where the Database.dacpac lives
  • Build/Server - This is where the server.exe lives

Create a new database on you sql server and apply the Database.dacpac

Create a new file in the root called run.cmd with the following contents:

build\Server\Server --home-folder ../../src/Client/wwwroot --conntection-string "Data Source=.; Integrated Security=True; Initial Catalog=SampleData"

Changing --conntection-string to point at the database you created

Execute run.cmd

Development workflow

I like to change the CompileConnectionString in src\RepositorySql\Common.fs to point at my local development database, this way I can work in SQL Manage Studio and when I compile it reflects my active database.

Once I have a batch of changes I pull them into the dacpac using Schema Compare in in the Database project.


What's the Artifacts/Server.1.0.nupkg file after the build? - We use Octopus Deploy so I wanted to also demo this.

The nunit folder is because I can't get the nunit plugin from npm to work.