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Command Line Interface for Clever Cloud.


Installation through npm is not supported, please use the packaged versions

Please refer to for the installation details.


Download and extract the archive somewhere in $PATH (~/.local/bin is a good choice).

curl -O
tar zxf clever-tools-latest_linux.tar.gz
cp {clever,nodegit.node} ~/.local/bin/


On Mac OSX just install it with Homebrew

brew install CleverCloud/tap/clever-tools


Download and extract the archive where you want.

Alternatively, you can use chocolatey to install clever-tools:

choco install clever-tools

How to use


To use clever-tools, you have to login.

clever login

It will open a page in your browser. Copy the provided token and secret codes in the CLI.

clever login tries to open a browser through xdg-open on GNU/Linux systems (and in bash for windows). Make sure you have xdg-utils available as well as a default browser set (or you can copy and paste the URL displayed in the console.

Create an application

clever create <name> --type <type> \
  [--region <region>] \
  [--org <organisation>] \
  [--alias <alias>]

Where type is one of:

  • docker: for Docker-based applications
  • go: for Go applications
  • gradle: for applications launched with gradle
  • haskell: for haskell applications
  • jar: for applications deployed as standalone jar files
  • maven: for applications launched with maven
  • node: for node.js applications
  • php: for PHP applications
  • play1: for Play1 applications
  • play2: for Play2 applications
  • python: for python27 applications
  • ruby: for ruby applications
  • rust: for rust applications
  • sbt: for applications launched with SBT
  • static-apache: for static (HTML only) websites
  • war: for applications deployed as war files

Where region is one of:

  • par (for Paris)
  • mtl (for Montreal)

--org allows you to chose the organisation in which your app is created.

--alias allows you to deploy the same application in multiple environments on Clever Cloud (eg: production, testing, …)

Link an existing application

clever link [--org <ORG-NAME>] <APP-NAME> [--alias <alias>]

Where APP-NAME is the name of your application, and ORG-NAME is the name of the organisation it's in. You can specify a complete application id instead of its name (in that case, --org can be omitted).

Deploy an application

clever deploy [--alias <alias>]

--alias allows you to deploy your application several times on Clever Cloud (eg: production, testing, …)

Application status

clever status [--alias <alias>]

Change application scalability

clever scale [--alias <alias>] [--min-flavor <minflavor>] [--max-flavor <maxflavor>] [--min-instances <mininstances>] [--max-instances <maxinstances>]

Logs Drains

# create drain
clever drain create [--alias <alias>] <DRAIN-TYPE> <DRAIN-URL> [--username <username>] [--password <password>]
# list drains
clever drain [--alias <alias>]
# remove drain
clever drain remove [--alias <alias>] <DRAIN-ID>

Where DRAIN-TYPE is one of:

  • TCPSyslog: for TCP syslog endpoint ;
  • UDPSyslog: for UDP syslog endpoint ;
  • HTTP: for TCP syslog endpoint (note that this endpoint has optional username/passwordparameters as HTTP Basic Authentication);
  • ElasticSearch: for ElasticSearch endpoint (note that this endpoint requires username/password parameters as HTTP Basic Authentication).

Display help

You can display help about each command with clever help.

clever help
clever help deploy


cd node_project
clever login
clever create "Node.js application" -t node -r mtl
clever deploy

How to send feedback?

Send us an email! or submit an issue.


The official command line interface for Clever Cloud







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