Tool for creating Microsoft Word docx (OpenXML) document in the Browser.
Pass a dom element to produce a .docx file of your dom elements.
A default style is defined but this can be customised by passing in a custom
styles.xml file. (See Customizing Styles
section below)
Currently supported Dom elements: Paragraph (p), Bold (b), Strong (strong), Italic (i), Emphasis (em), Underline (u), Inserted (ins), Small (small), Strikethough (strike), Deleted (del), Superscript (sup), Subscript (sub), Highlighted (mark), Headings (h1-h6), Line Break (br) Unordered List (ul), List Item (li) Description List (dl), Description Term (dt), Description Description (dd)
See for example
// Include dom2docx.js
<script src="dist/dom2docx.min.js"></script>
// #input element in dom contains data which is to be converted to .docx
input = document.getElementById("input")
// Create instance on Dom2Docx
dom2docx = new Dom2Docx(input)
// Creates the dom to a File Blob object
docx = dom2docx.create()
// you can use `URL.createObjectURL` to create
link = document.createElement("a")
link.href = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(docx) = "example.docx"
link.textContent = "Download File"
// Using FileSaver (see vendor/FileSaver.js)
// include FileSave.js
saveAs(docx, "example.docx")
npm install
make all
to generate all .js
make watch-all
to watch all .coffee
files and convert to .js
when changed
You can then use require("src/dom2docx")
or build a js file to include in a
page (see Compilation
- Styles
- Tables
- Forms
- Example Usage
- gh-pages
- How to Replace Styles
node run build-js
Create a minified javascript file: dist/dom2docx.min.js
node run build-js-dev
Create a javascript file: dist/dom2docx.js
npm test
Runs tests with mocha-phantomjs
node run test-server
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in a browser