JLNavigation is an elegant iOS library which provides routing features to your applications based on the Coordinator pattern. JLNavigation helps make your navigation syntactically compact and clear. This library aims:
- Remove the navigation concerns from the UIViewControllers/Storyvoards into the library
- Increase your modularization by cuttin this logic from the aplication
- Make the navigation pattern similar in all the app
- Reuse UIViewControllers in different navigation contexts.
In your Package.swift:
let package = Package(
name: "Example",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/dasilvans/JLNavigation")
targets: [
.target(name: "JLNavigation", dependencies: [])
The coordination process is pretty straightforward, and its a great way to organize your application navigation. Depending in your app architecture you will have multiple coordinators.
In a simple way, declare them as a subclass from the protocol JLCoordinator
// MARK: Coordinator
extension AppCoordinator: Coordinator
Then declare the mandatory variable and method:
// This array its used to keep a reference to the subchild coordinators
var childCoordinators: [Coordinator] = []
func start() {
// Here you will put the code to start the initialization for this coordinator
There's available tree type of routers.
- JLNavigationRouter
- JLRouter
- JLWindowRouter
Basicly each of them help you with the navigation you have. For example if you an UINavigationController you just need to call the method push from the JLNavigationRouter.