Toggle DLSS options with hotkeys that are set in CET bindings. Useful if you want to test the FPS gain with DLSS or input latency increase with frame generation. Or if you are using dlssg-to-fsr3 and want to turn off frame generation when there are a lot of artifacts (i.e., when driving a car).
- Copy the "bin" to your "\Cyberpunk 2077" game folder.
- Set the hotkeys in "Bindings" of your CET window.
The files will be located under the following directories:
\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\ToggleDLSS
Please make sure you are using 2.1 version of the game as the mod won't work in older versions.
Cyber Engine Tweaks and psiberx's Lua Kit for CET:
I took code inspiration from asdasdsuper's path tracing toggle mod: