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A business process automation platform using multi-agent orchestration to automate complex workflows. Features a workflow marketplace, self-improvement mechanism, and FastAPI backend. Demonstrates agent-based architecture with specialized roles (Researcher, Processor, Approver, Optimizer) for intelligent workflow execution.

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WorkflowForge - Business Process Automation Platform

A business process automation platform that uses multi-agent orchestration to automate complex workflows. The platform includes a marketplace of pre-built workflows that can be customized, a self-improvement mechanism, and a modern React dashboard for configuration and monitoring.

Quick Start

For the fastest way to get up and running:

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd workflow-forge

# Create a .env file (optional)
cp backend/.env.sample backend/.env

# Setup and run in one command
make setup-and-run

Then access the API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs


  • ✅ Multi-agent workflow orchestration using LangGraph
  • ✅ Pre-built workflow marketplace
  • ✅ Self-improvement through workflow optimization
  • ✅ RESTful API with FastAPI
  • ✅ Comprehensive test suite
  • ⏳ Modern React dashboard (in progress)
  • ✅ Real-time metrics and monitoring
  • ✅ Document processing with RAG implementation

System Architecture

See Architecture Documentation for a detailed overview of the system design.

Agent System

  • Researcher Agent: Gathers and analyzes information
  • Processor Agent: Executes core workflow tasks
  • Approver Agent: Validates and approves results
  • Optimizer Agent: Improves workflow performance through self-reflection


  • FastAPI application
  • SQLite database (for demo)
  • LangGraph for agent orchestration
  • RAG implementation for document processing

API Endpoints

  • GET / - API information
  • GET /workflows - List all workflows
  • POST /workflows - Create and execute a workflow
  • GET /workflows/templates - List available workflow templates
  • GET /agents - List available agents
  • POST /execute - Execute a workflow
  • GET /metrics - Get performance metrics
  • GET /health - Health check endpoint

Deployment Options

Local Development

  1. Set up the backend environment:
# Create and activate the conda environment
make create-env
source make activate
  1. Create a .env file:
cd backend
cp .env.sample .env
# Edit .env with your preferred configuration
  1. Initialize the database:
make init-db
  1. Start the backend server:
make run-backend
  1. Access the API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs

  2. Run the demonstration script:

make run-demo

Docker Deployment

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd workflow-forge
  1. Set environment variables (optional):
# Create a .env file in the project root
echo "SECRET_KEY=your_secure_key_here" > .env
  1. Build and start the services:
make docker-build
make docker-up
  1. Access the API at http://localhost:8000/docs

  2. Stop the services:

make docker-down


The application can be configured using environment variables or a .env file. See .env.sample for available options.

Key configuration options:

  • ENVIRONMENT - Set to development, testing, or production
  • USE_MOCK_WORKFLOW - Set to true to use mock workflow execution
  • DATABASE_URL - Path to the SQLite database
  • SECRET_KEY - Secret key for security features (required in production)


Makefile Commands

The project includes a comprehensive Makefile to simplify common development tasks:

Command Description
make create-env Create the conda environment
make update-env Update the conda environment after changes to environment.yml
make init-db Initialize the database
make run-backend Start the backend server
make run-demo Run the demonstration script
make test-backend Run all backend tests
make test-api Run only API tests
make test-workflow Run only workflow orchestrator tests
make format Format code with black and isort
make lint Run linting with flake8
make clean-backend Remove conda environment and clean temporary files
make docker-build Build Docker containers
make docker-up Start Docker containers
make docker-down Stop Docker containers
make setup-and-run Setup everything and start the backend in one command

Note: To activate the conda environment, use source make activate (this command must be sourced).

Running Tests

# Run all tests
make test-backend

# Run only API tests
make test-api

# Run only workflow orchestrator tests
make test-workflow

Code Formatting and Linting

# Format code with black and isort
make format

# Run linting with flake8
make lint

Updating Dependencies

If you've made changes to the environment.yml file:

make update-env

Cleaning Up

# Remove conda environment and clean temporary files
make clean-backend

Project Structure

├── backend/
│   ├── app/
│   │   ├── agents/         # Agent implementations
│   │   ├── api/            # API endpoints
│   │   ├── database/       # Database operations
│   │   ├── workflow/       # Workflow orchestration
│   │   ├──       # Configuration management
│   │   └──         # FastAPI application
│   ├── tests/              # Test suite
│   ├── Dockerfile          # Docker configuration
│   └── environment.yml     # Conda environment
├── docker-compose.yml      # Docker Compose configuration
└── frontend/               # React frontend (coming soon)

Current Status

  • ✅ Backend API with all endpoints implemented
  • ✅ Agent system with four specialized agents
  • ✅ Workflow orchestration using LangGraph
  • ✅ Database persistence with SQLite
  • ✅ Comprehensive test suite
  • ✅ Docker deployment configuration
  • ✅ Environment-based configuration
  • ⏳ Frontend development (in progress)

Known Issues and Solutions

LangGraph Compatibility

The project initially encountered an issue with LangGraph compatibility, specifically the error 'Pregel' object has no attribute 'arun'. This has been resolved with a configurable approach:

  1. By default, the system uses a mock workflow execution that simulates the full agent workflow
  2. For LangGraph-compatible environments, set USE_MOCK_WORKFLOW=false to use actual LangGraph execution
  3. The system will automatically fall back to mock execution if LangGraph execution fails

Production Deployment Considerations

For production deployments, consider the following:

  1. Database: Replace SQLite with PostgreSQL or MongoDB
  2. Environment: Set ENVIRONMENT=production and provide a proper SECRET_KEY
  3. Security: Configure proper authentication and authorization
  4. CORS: Restrict allowed origins in the CORS middleware
  5. Monitoring: Implement proper logging and monitoring
  6. Scaling: Consider containerization with Kubernetes for horizontal scaling




A business process automation platform using multi-agent orchestration to automate complex workflows. Features a workflow marketplace, self-improvement mechanism, and FastAPI backend. Demonstrates agent-based architecture with specialized roles (Researcher, Processor, Approver, Optimizer) for intelligent workflow execution.







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