Tools for scraping pdfs with OCR
Clone the repo and install with:
python3 -m pip install .
On MacOS you may need to run
python3 -m pip install --no-binary tesserocr .
import ocrtools as ocrt
import re
ocr = ocrt.TesseractReader()
# Find dates within long strings like paragraphs
date_tagger = ocrt.DateTagger()
extractor = ocrt.Extractor([
ocrt.FieldExtractor("date", ocrt.get_date(date_tagger), ocrt.BBox.from_xyxy(0.12, 0.12, 0.2, 0.2)),
ocrt.FieldExtractor("address", ocrt.match(re.compile("address: {.*}")), ocrt.BBox.from_xyxy(0.12, 0.12, 0.2, 0.2))
doc = ocrt.get_doc("/path/to/doc.pdf")
for page in doc.pages():
if res := extractor.extract(ocr, page):
print(f"address: {res['address']}")
print(f"date: {res['date']}")
This searches the PDF and extracts dates and addresses from the specified regions with the fewest possible calls to the OCR engine with only a subset of each page.
Log the OCR results:
logger = ocrt.logging.get_logger("test")
doc = ocrt.get_doc("/path/to/doc.pdf")
for page in doc.pages():
if res := extractor.extract(ocr, page, logger=logger):
print(f"address: {res['address']}")
print(f"date: {res['date']}")
This writes images annotated with OCR and extraction result to /tmp/ocr-logs/test
OCRTools comes with Tesseract
(via Tesserocr) and Textract
interfaces. To use your own simply provide a function of the following type to extractor.extract
IOCREngine = Callable[[OCRResource], OCRResult]
OCRTools uses spacy
and huggingface tranformers
to identify entities such as dates and names within text. To use your own, simply provide a function of the following type:
INERTagger = Callable[[str], List[TokenSpan]]
- fitz (pymupdf)
- dateparse
- pillow
- pandas
- tesserocr
- spacy
- transformers
For AWS Textract
- boto3
- textractcaller
- trp