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EVEClient.NET is a C# wrapper over the ESI API based on a customizable middleware approach


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About EVEClient.NET

EVEClient.ESI is a wrapper over the ESI API based on a middleware approach. The middleware works on the pipline principle in ASP.NET Core and allows you to add/modify the behavior of request generation and response processing.

EVEClient.NET includes following default ordered middlewares:

  • ProtectionHandler - Performs getting the access token from IAccessTokenProvider, validates scope, and sets the Authorization header
  • RequestHeadersHandler - Configures the default headers for the request.
  • UrlRequestParametersHandler - Prepares a list of parameters to be passed and replaced in the URL template.
  • BodyRequestParametersHandler - (only for POST & PUT requests) - Prepares the body of the request.
  • EndpointHandler - Prepares a ready URL for sending the request.
  • ETagHandler - Used when the setting "UseETag" is enabled. Stores the eTag value for a particular request in internal storage and applies it to the next request.
  • RequestGetHandler or RequestPostHandler or RequestDeleteHandler or RequestPutHandler - Make a request to API


  1. EVEClient.NET currently has no built-in functionality to work in ESI SSO. You need to implement your own token provider using the provided interface IAccessTokenProvider. In the future it is planned to write a separate library for ASP.NET Core, which will provide native authorization support.
  2. EVEClient.NET uses ENDPOINT VERSIONING according to best practices (see more). At the moment there is no way to choose a different route (e.g. legacy/latest or dev) except to override the EndpointHandler in pipline. But in the future, we plan to provide this feature in separate package along with repeat customization. I don't know why it might be necessary 😅

NuGet Packages

Package Latest Version About
EVEClient.NET NuGet The core functionality to communicate with ESI API.
EVEClient.NET.Polly Coming Soon... Integration with Polly APIs to provide a repeat function and selection of alternative routes.
EVEClient.NET.Identity Coming Soon... OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core to provide out-of-the-box functionality for EVE SSO authorization.

Quick start


To use the library, you need to invoke the extension method for IServiceCollection.

_serviceCollection.AddEVEOnlineEsiClient(config =>
    // Required property. Header in your client which includes the source of the request and contact information.
    // This way, CCP can identify and help you with issues if you’re banned.
    config.UserAgent = "agent name";
    // If you want to use the eTag functionality for less ESI API server load.
    // 304 http status code will be returned on a second request as long as the data on the server is cached and has not been changed 
    config.EnableETag = true; // 

After that you can inject IEsiLogicAccessor or specific logic interface directly.

public class AccountController : Controller
    private readonly IEsiLogicAccessor _esiLogicAccessor;
    private readonly ICharacterLogic _characterLogic;

    public AccountController(IEsiLogicAccessor esiLogicAccessor, ICharacterLogic characterLogic)
        _esiLogicAccessor = esiLogicAccessor;
        _characterLogic = characterLogic;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
        var characterInfo = await _characterLogic.PublicInformation(65151651651);
        var orders = await _esiLogicAccessor.MarketLogic.CharacterOrders(65151651651);


For example, you don't want to return a 304 http status code when using ETag, but rather return cached data from your local storage.

To do this, create a new handler, which will then be connected to the existing pipelines.

internal class CustomHandler : IHandler
    // Your custom cache
    private readonly IResponseCache _cache;
    public CustomHandler(IResponseCache cache)
        _cache = cache;

    public async Task HandleAsync(EsiContext context, RequestDelegate next)
        // before request area
        await next(context);

        // after request area
        if (context.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotModified)
            var eTag = context.Response.Headers.GetValues("ETag").First().Replace("\"", string.Empty);
            var data = await _cache.GetCachedResponse(eTag);
            var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);

            response.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data));


Next, register your cache in the service collection and set up customization of the pipline

_serviceCollection.AddEVEOnlineEsiClient(config =>
    config.UserAgent = "agent name";
    config.EnableETag = true;
.CustomizePipline(configure =>
    configure.ModificationFor(EndpointsSelector.GetRequests) // You can use a preset group or you can specify a specific endpoint Ids
        // Place it so that the handler is launched before the ETagHandler callback (i.e. on the reverse pass of the chain after RequestGetHandler)
        .AdditionalMiddleware<CustomHandler>("eTagResponseModifier", addAfter: "ETagHandler");

// Also register your cache and handler it self
_serviceCollection.TryAddSingleton<IResponseCache, MyResponseCache>;
_serviceCollection.TryAddSingleton<CustomHandler>; // scope at your discretion


EVEClient.NET is a C# wrapper over the ESI API based on a customizable middleware approach








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