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SugarCube 2 + TypeScript project template

Template to set up TypeScript for SugarCube 2, and bundle all the code using Webpack.

Uses Tweego to compile the Twee project (and assumes that it is already set up).


  • Clone this repository, or use it as a template to create your own.

  • Run npm i (requires Node) to install all dependencies.


  • npm run dev to run in development mode. Starts Tweego and Webpack in watch mode, and launches a local web server with hot reload capabilities.

  • npm run build to build the html in production mode. Compiles all TS to minified JS and builds with Tweego.

  • The build commands are set to make Tweego include these directories/files:

    • src/modules/: (From the Tweego documentation)

      Module sources (repeatable); may consist of supported files and/or directories to recursively search for such files. Each file will be wrapped within the appropriate markup and bundled into the <head> element of the compiled HTML. Supported files: .css, .js, .otf, .ttf, .woff, .woff2.

    • src/head.html: (From the Tweego documentation)

      Name of the file whose contents will be appended as-is to the <head> element of the compiled HTML.

    • src/__compiled/: Compiled TypeScript ends up in here. Left upto webpack to manage. DO NOT put extra files in here, as this directory is cleaned out each time npm run build is run.

    • src/styles/: All stylesheets go in here.

    • src/twee/: All Twee files go in here.

  • The build commands are set to make Tweego export the generated html to dist/index.html. Thus, all assets go in dist/.


  • This project comes with example TypeScript and Twee code to showcase the toolchain working.

  • The entry point for Webpack is set as src/scripts/index.ts, and the out directory as src/__compiled. To modify, look into webpack.config.js.

  • TypeScript is set to transpile down to ES2015 code. To modify, look into tsconfig.json.


Tweego/SugarCube2 + Webpack/TypeScript







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