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So many chords, so little time. What to do? Brute-force the search space! Now with 700% more unnecessary multithreading. cg is the tool for the job, with the elegance of COBOL, the comprehensibility of boolean algebra and the beauty of a Soviet housing block.


$ echo "(-3) 0 11 16 18" | ./cg inspect fingering
fingering: 5 x 6 6 4 x, chord: (-3) 0 11 16 18

Finds and prints the best fingering for Amaj7#11 (more on the chord notation later)

$ echo "(0) 0 11 16 18" | ./cg transpose | ./cg inspect fingering-score fingering | sort -n -k2,2
No shifts given, will try -8 to 12.
21 transpositions generated.
Inspecting: fingering-score fingering 
fingering-score: 89, fingering: 8 x x 11 0 0, chord: (0) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 98, fingering: 1 x 2 2 0 x, chord: (-7) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 98, fingering: 3 x 4 6 0 x, chord: (-5) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 104, fingering: 13 x x 14 12 0, chord: (5) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 116, fingering: 2 x 3 3 1 x, chord: (-6) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 118, fingering: 6 x 7 7 x 0, chord: (-2) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 122, fingering: 4 x 5 5 3 x, chord: (-4) 0 11 16 18
fingering-score: 125, fingering: 5 x 6 6 4 x, chord: (-3) 0 11 16 18

Finds and prints the best fingering scores for 20 7#11 chords where the intervals appear in the given order, sorting by which has the best fingering (lower score is better).

cg can also generate chords, but has no sense of what chords actually sound good. By restricting the generator with rules, however, you can nudge it in a less (or more) jazzy direction!

$ ./cg gen "lydian && d5 && M7 && ! M2 && ! M6 && low-root" | ./cg transpose | ./cg inspect | grep -Ev 'note-count: (1|2|3)' | sort -n -k2,2 | less
No shifts given, will try -8 to 12.
No inspection keys given.
Inspecting: fingering-score fingering root note-count intervals fingering-reason 
Rule interpreted as: lydian d5 M7 M2 ! M6 ! low-root && && && && &&
Truth table has size 64
5376 chord types found.
112896 transpositions generated.
fingering-score: 5, fingering: 3 2 0 0 2 2, root: -5, note-count: 6, intervals: 0 4 7 12 18 23, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=5 stretch=10], chord: (-5) 0 4 7 12 18 23
fingering-score: 7, fingering: 4 3 0 0 3 3, root: -4, note-count: 6, intervals: 0 4 6 11 18 23, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=7 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11 18 23
fingering-score: 7, fingering: 4 3 0 0 3 x, root: -4, note-count: 5, intervals: 0 4 6 11 18, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=7 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11 18
fingering-score: 7, fingering: 4 3 0 0 x x, root: -4, note-count: 4, intervals: 0 4 6 11, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=7 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11
fingering-score: 11, fingering: 4 3 0 0 3 4, root: -4, note-count: 6, intervals: 0 4 6 11 18 24, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=11 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11 18 24
fingering-score: 11, fingering: 4 3 0 0 4 4, root: -4, note-count: 6, intervals: 0 4 6 11 19 24, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=11 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11 19 24
fingering-score: 11, fingering: 4 3 0 0 4 x, root: -4, note-count: 5, intervals: 0 4 6 11 19, fingering-reason: [open-string=-10 register=11 stretch=10], chord: (-4) 0 4 6 11 19
fingering-score: 13, fingering: 1 2 2 2 x x, root: -7, note-count: 4, intervals: 0 6 11 16, fingering-reason: [register=3 stretch=10], chord: (-7) 0 6 11 16

That generates all chords using only the notes from Lydian that have a dimished 5th (sharp 4, really), major 7th, no major 2nd, no major 6th and with the root being the lowest note, eliminates all that have less than 4 notes and sorts the results by easiest-to-finger. OK, a lot of them are still pretty avant-garde, but you get the idea.


$ git clone
$ cd cg
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./cg [...]


cg has only 3 subcommands: gen, transpose and inspect.

./cg gen

Expects exactly 1 argument, the rule that the generated chords should match. gen will only output chords with a root of C1 (that's the 3rd fret on the A string), you can shift this around with ./cg transpose. What gen really generates is "chord types", which means a root and a list of intervals present from that root. Here's a line of example output from gen: (0) 0 4 7 12 That's a chord with a root of C1 ( (0) ) and notes offset 0, 4, 7 and 12 semitones above that. In other words, a C major triad with the root repeated one octave higher. If the root note isn't the lowest of the bunch, negative offsets will be output to represent a note offset below the root: (0) -5 0 4 Like I said, elegant as COBOL. The good thing is that you don't have to read these, they're just a useful representation to pipe into the other tools.

Now, onto the rule syntax. There is a list of pre-defined rules in rules.txt that you can combine however you want, and look at as examples. Rules are combined through 3 operators: &&, ||, and !. && and || are binary operators and do what you'd expect, and ! is a unary operator that inverts its operand. Some examples:

  • m2 matches all chords with a minor 2nd
  • ionian && ! ( M6 && M7 ) matches all chords that only have notes from the Ionian scale and don't have both a major 6th and major 7th
  • phrygian-dom && ! m2 && ( M3 || m6 ) && ! 4 && low-root matches all chords that only have notes from Phrygian dominant with no minor 2nd, either a major 3rd or minor 6th, no 4th and that have the root note as the lowest note

All operators MUST be space-separated!. Sorry

There are rules for order of precedence and all that, but I've kind of forgotten them. Be generous with the parentheses! You can also define your own rules in a slightly more powerful way, but that requires an even more arcane syntax we'll get to later.

./cg transpose

Takes whatever chords come in stdin and outputs transposed versions of each, one for each command-line argument. ./cg transpose 0 1 2 -5 will transpose every input chord 0, 1, 2 and -5 semitones up. If no arguments are given, will transpose to everything in the range -8..12, which is totally arbitrary but also close enough to "everything that fits on the fretboard".

./cg inspect

Inspects every chord read from stdin. There are 6 things you can inspect: root, intervals, note-count, fingering, fingering-score, and fingering-reason. Inspects whatever you give it, or everything if no arguments are passed. Examples:

  • ./cg inspect root intervals print the root note and intervals for each chord in the input
  • ./cg inspect print everything inspect knows how to inspect

inspect outputs its results one-line-per-chord, which does make it a little hard to read. However, it has the advantage of being easily pipeable. Try these out for fun:

$ ./cg gen 'low-root && harmonic-minor && ! m6 && m3 && ! 4 && 5 && ( M7 || M2 )' | ./cg transpose | ./cg inspect | grep 'note-count: 6' | sort -n -k2,2 | head -n 100  # Easiest-to-finger 6-note harmonic minor chords
$ ./cg gen 'low-root && harmonic-minor && ! m6 && m3 && ! 4 && 5 && ( M7 || M2 )' | ./cg transpose | ./cg inspect | perl -ne '$_=~/note-count: (\d+)/;print if($1>=3&&$1<=5);' | shuf | head -n 50  # 50 random 3- to 5- note harmonic minor chords (most of them impossible to play on a guitar)
$ ./cg gen 'ionian && ! M2 && ! 4 && 5 && high-root && ! M6' | ./cg transpose | ./cg inspect | grep -Ev 'note-count: (1|2|3)' | grep -Ev 'fingering-score: 2147' | grep -Eo --color=never 'fingering: ([x0-9]+ ?){6}'  # just the fingerings

Hours of joy!

Details on Rule Syntax

Have a look at rules.txt and you'll see how the basic rules, like m6 and root are defined:

low-root: 100000000000

root: 700000000000
m2:   070000000000
M2:   007000000000
m3:   000700000000

The generator works representing (almost) every possible chord as a 32-bit integer. The numbers in rules.txt are in octal and are in the same format as the 32-bit integers used by the generator. Each bit represents in which octaves that a is present. Looking at the individual octal numbers in binary might make more sense:

  • 0: 000 --> This note is not present in any octave
  • 1: 001 --> Present 0 octaves above the root
  • 2: 010 --> Present 1 octave above the root
  • 3: 011 --> Present 0 and 1 octaves above the root
  • 4: 100 --> Present 2 octaves above the root
  • 5: 101 --> Present 0 and 2 octaves above the root
  • 6: 110 --> Present 1 and 2 octaves above the root
  • 7: 111 --> Present 0, 1, and 2 octaves above the root

The first octal number represents the interval 0, which is the root note. The second octal represents the interval 1, which is 1 semitone above the root (a minor 2nd). The 3rd octal number represents the interval 2, etc. all the way up to interval 11, which is a major 7th. This: 730100000002

Represents a chord with the root note in octaves 0, 1 and 2 (7), a minor second present 0 and 1 octaves of the root (3), a minor 3rd present 0 octaves above the root (0), and a major 7th present 1 octave above the root (plus another 11 semitones, so almost 2 octaves) (4). That's an ugly chord, but hopefully it makes slightly more sense now.

The first 8 octal numbers can go up to 7, but the last 4 only go up to 4 (2 bits) to be able to squeeze everything into 32 bits.

A rule "matches" a chord when AND-ing a chord with the rule's bitmask returns a positive result. Let's look at the "root" rule: 700000000000 a.k.a 11100000000000000000000000000000 in binary So, "root" matches whenever the root note is present in any octave.

Good luck!


Chord Generator






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