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Cycaless : The CYClus Additional MOdules REpository

Additional modules for the Cyclus nuclear fuel cycle simulator from the University of Wisconsin - Madison are intended to be support innovative fuel cycle simulations with the Cyclus fuel cycle simulator.

To see user and developer documentation for this code, please visit the Cycaless Homepage.

Building and Installing Cycaless

In order to facilitate future compatibility with multiple platforms, Cycaless is built using CMake. A full list of the Cycaless package dependencies is show below:

Package Minimum Version
CMake 2.8
boost 1.34.1
libxml2 2
Cyclus 0.1

As with all software, the build/install can be broken into two steps:

  1. building and installing the dependencies
  2. building and installing Cycaless

Installing Dependencies

This guide assumes that the user has root access (to issue sudo commands) and access to a package manager or has some other suitable method of automatically installing established libraries. This process was tested using a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10.


The Cyclus Library is the simulation-engine core of the more general Cyclus package, of which Cycaless is a part. Detailed build/install instructions are provided in the Cyclus readme. We assume that the user has successfully built and installed Cyclus (as well as CMake) for the following discussion.

All Others

All other dependencies are common libraries available through package managers. We provide an example using apt-get. All required commands will take the form of:

sudo apt-get install package

Where you will replace "package" with the correct package name. The list of required package names are:

  1. libboost-all-dev
  2. libxml++2.6-dev

So, for example, in order to install libxml++ on your system, you will type:

sudo apt-get install libxml++2.6-dev

Let us take a moment to note the Boost library dependency. As it currently stands, we in fact depend on a small subset of the Boost libraries:

  1. libboost-filesystem-dev
  2. libboost-system-dev

However, it is possible (likely) that additional Boost libraries will be used because they are an industry standard. Accordingly, we suggest simply installing libboost-all-dev to limit any headaches due to possible dependency additions in the future.

Installing Cycaless

Assuming you have the dependencies installed correctly, it's pretty straightforward to install Cycaless. We make the following assumptions in this guide:

  1. there is some master directory in which you're placing all Cyclus-related files called .../cyclus
  2. you have a directory named .../cyclus/install in which you plan to install all Cyclus-related files
  3. you have acquired the Cycaless source code from the Cycaless repo
  4. you have placed the Cycaless repository in .../cyclus/cycaless
  5. you have installed Cyclus in .../cyclus/install (see the Cyclus readme)

Under these assumptions and if you used a package manager to install coin-Cbc (i.e. it's installed in a standard location), the Cyclus building and installation process will look like:

.../cyclus/cycaless$ python --prefix=../install --cyclus_root=../install

If you have installed coin-Cbc from source or otherwise have it installed in a non-standard location, you should make use of the coinRoot flag. The otherwise identical process would look like:

.../cyclus/cycaless$ python --prefix=../install --coin_root=/path/to/coin --cyclus_root=../install

Additionally, if you have installed Boost from source or otherwise have it installed in a non-standard location, you should make use of the boostRoot flag. The otherwise identical process would look like:

.../cyclus/cycaless$ python --prefix=../install --coin_root=/path/to/coin --cyclus_root=../install --boost_root=/path/to/boost

The Developer Workflow

Note that "upstream" repository refers to the primary `cyclus/cycaless` repository.

As you do your development, push primarily only to your own fork. Push to the upstream repository (usually the "develop" branch) only after:

  • You have pulled the latest changes from the upstream repository.
  • You have completed a logical set of changes.
  • Cyclus compiles with no errors.
  • All tests pass.
  • Cyclus input files run as expected.
  • (recommended) your code has been reviewed by another developer.

Code from the "develop" branch generally must pass even more rigorous checks before being integrated into the "master" branch. Hotfixes would be a possible exception to this.

Workflow Notes

  • Use a branching workflow similar to the one described at

  • The "develop" branch is how cycaless developers will share (generally compilable) progress when we are not yet ready for the code to become 'production'.

  • Keep your own "master" and "develop" branches in sync with the upstream repository's "master" and "develop" branches. The master branch should always be the 'stable' or 'production' release of cyclus.

    • Pull the most recent history from the upstream repository "master" and/or "develop" branches before you merge changes into your corresponding local branch. Consider doing a rebase pull instead of a regular pull or 'fetch and merge'. For example:

      git checkout develop
      git pull --rebase upstream develop
    • Only merge changes into your "master" or "develop" branch when you are ready for those changes to be integrated into the upstream repository's corresponding branch.

  • As you do development on topic branches in your own fork, consider rebasing the topic branch onto the "master" and/or "develop" branches after pulls from the upstream repository rather than merging the pulled changes into your branch. This will help maintain a more linear (and clean) history. Please see caution about rebasing below. For example:

    git checkout [your topic branch]
    git rebase develop
  • Passing Tests

    • To check that your branch passes the tests, you must build and install your topic branch and then run the CycalessUnitTestDriver (at the moment, `make test` is insufficient). For example

      mkdir install
      python --prefix=../install ...
    • There are also a suite of sample input files In addition to the CycalessUnitTestDriver, a suite of input files can be run and tested using the script that is configured, built, and installed with Cycaless. It relies on the input files that are part of your Cycaless repository, and only succeeds for input files that are correct (some may have known issues. See the issue list in cycaless for details.) To run the example input files,

      python ../install/cycaless/bin/
  • Making a Pull Request

    • When you are ready to move changes from one of your topic branches into the "develop" branch, it must be reviewed and accepted by another developer.
    • You may want to review this tutorial before you make a pull request to the develop branch.
  • Reviewing a Pull Request

    • Build, install, and test it. If you have added the remmote repository as a remote you can check it out and merge it with the current develop branch thusly,

      git checkout -b remote_name/branch_name
      git merge develop
    • Look over the code.

    • Accept the Pull Request

      • In general, every commit (notice this is not 'every push') to the "develop" and "master" branches should compile and pass tests. This is guaranteed by using a NON-fast-forward merge during the pull request acceptance process.

      • The green "Merge Pull Request" button does a non-fast-forward merge by default. However, if that button is unavailable, you've made minor local changes to the pulled branch, or you just want to do it from the command line, make sure your merge is a non-fast-forward merge. For example:

        git checkout develop
        git merge --no-ff remote_name/branch_name -m "A message""


  • NEVER merge the "master" branch into the "develop" branch. Changes should only flow to the "master" branch from the "develop" branch.

  • DO NOT rebase any commits that have been pulled/pushed anywhere else other than your own fork (especially if those commits have been integrated into the upstream repository. You should NEVER rebase commits that are a part of the 'master' branch. If you do, you will be flogged publicly.

  • Make sure that you are pushing/pulling from/to the right branches. When in doubt, use the following syntax:

    git push [remote] [from-branch]:[to-branch]

    and (note that pull always merges into the current checked out branch):

    git pull [remote] [from-branch]

An Example


As this type of workflow can be complicated to converts from SVN and very complicated for brand new programmers, an example is provided.

For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that we want a single "sandbox" branch in which we would like to work, i.e. where we can store all of our work that may not yet pass tests or even compile, but where we also want to save our progress. Let us call this branch "Work". So, when all is said and done, in our fork there will be three branches: "Master", "Develop", and "Work".

Acquiring Cycaless and Workflow

We begin with a fork of the main ("upstream") Cycaless repository. After initially forking the repo, we will have two branches in our fork: "Master" and "Develop".

Acquiring a Fork of the Cycaless Repository

A fork is your copy of Cycaless. Github offers an excelent tutorial on how to set one up. The rest of this example assumes you have set up the "upstream" repository as cyclus/cycaless. Note that git refers to your fork as "origin".

First, let's make our "work" branch:

.../cycaless_dir/$ git branch work
.../cycaless_dir/$ git push origin work

We now have the following situation: there exists the "upstream" copy of the Master and Develop branches, there exists your fork's copy of the Master, Develop, and Work branches, AND there exists your local copy of the Master, Develop, and Work branches. It is important now to note that you may wish to work from home or the office. If you keep your fork's branches up to date (i.e., "push" your changes before you leave), only your local copies of your branches may be different when you next sit down at the other location.

Workflow: The Beginning

Now, for the workflow! This is by no means the only way to perform this type of workflow, but I assume that you wish to handle conflicts as often as possible (so as to keep their total number small). Let us imagine that you have been at work, finished, and successfully pushed your changes to your Origin repository. You are now at home, perhaps after dinner (let's just say some time has passed), and want to continue working a bit (you're industrious, I suppose... or a grad student). To begin, let's update our home's local branches.

.../cycaless_dir/$ git checkout develop
.../cycaless_dir/$ git pull origin develop
.../cycaless_dir/$ git pull upstream develop
.../cycaless_dir/$ git push origin develop

.../cycaless_dir/$ git checkout work
.../cycaless_dir/$ git pull origin work
.../cycaless_dir/$ git merge develop
.../cycaless_dir/$ git push origin work

Perhaps a little explanation is required. We first want to make sure that this new local copy of the develop branch is up-to-date with respect to the remote origin's branch and remote upstream's branch. If there was a change from the remote upstream's branch, we want to push that to origin. We then follow the same process to update the work branch, except:

  1. we don't need to worry about the upstream repo because it doesn't have a work branch, and
  2. we want to incorporate any changes which may have been introduced in the develop branch update.
Workflow: The End

As time passes, you make some changes to files, and you commit those changes (to your local work branch). Eventually (hopefully) you come to a stopping point where you have finished your project on your work branch AND it compiles AND it runs input files correctly AND it passes all tests! Perhaps you have found Nirvana. In any case, you've performed the final commit to your work branch, so it's time to make a pull request online and wait for our developer friends to review and accept it.

Sometimes, your pull request will be closed by the reviewer until further changes are made to appease the reviewer's concerns. This may be frustrating, but please act rationally, discuss the issues on the github space made for your pull request, consult the style guide, email the developer listhost for further advice, and make changes to your topic branch accordingly. The pull request will be updated with those changes when you push them to your fork. When you think your request is ready for another review, you can reopen the review yourself with the button made available to you.

See also

A good description of a git workflow with good graphics is available at


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