This controller is a simple example of how to use the Motion_library class from the module to load all motion files from the folder motions and play one of them.
It beats Alice by moving forwards and therefore having a higher coverage.
Here is the file:
import sys
from controller import Robot
sys.path.append('..') # adding the utils folder to get access to some custom helper functions, have a look at it
from utils.motion_library import MotionLibrary
class Bob (Robot):
def __init__(self):
# to load all the motions from the motion folder, we use the Motion_library class:
self.library = MotionLibrary()
# we initialize the shoulder pitch motors using the Robot.getDevice() function:
self.RShoulderPitch = self.getDevice("RShoulderPitch")
self.LShoulderPitch = self.getDevice("LShoulderPitch")
def run(self):
# to control a motor, we use the setPosition() function:
# for more motor control functions, see the documentation:
# to see the list of available devices, see the NAO documentation:
time_step = int(self.getBasicTimeStep())
while self.step(time_step) != -1:
if self.getTime() == 1: # We wait a bit for the robot to stabilise
# to play a motion from the library, we use the play() function as follows:'Forwards50')
# create the Robot instance and run main loop
wrestler = Bob()
Charlie is a more advanced robot controller able to win against Bob.