is a simple todo list command-line tool written in Rust.
forked from
You can install todo
with the following:
$ cargo install --git --branch main
$ todo help
simple command-line todo list
Usage: todo <COMMAND>
list show todo list
clear clear todo list
add add the task
delete delete the task
edit edit the task description
done done the task and record elapsed time
undone undone the task
begin record the beginning time point
unrecord unrecord elapsed time (same to undone)
show show the task
sort sort tasks
swap swap two tasks
report report today's achievements
continue continue todo list
uncontinue uncontinue todo list
completion print shell completion
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Add your todo
$ todo add --help
add the task
Usage: todo add <TASK>
-h, --help Print help
$ todo add 'drink water'
$ todo add 'do some sports'
$ todo add 'laugh 10 times'
List todo
$ todo list --help
show todo list
Usage: todo list [PART]
[PART] [possible values: doing, done, todo, all]
-h, --help Print help
$ todo list
☐ 000: drink water
☐ 001: do some sports
☐ 002: laugh 10 times
Edit todo
$ todo edit 1 'fix bugs'
$ todo list
☐ 000: drink water
☐ 001: fix bugs
☐ 002: laugh 10 times
Begin todo with current or given time point
# assume current time is 22:30
$ todo begin 0
$ todo begin 1 10
$ todo list
☐ 000: drink water (-22.5)
☐ 001: fix bugs (-10.0)
☐ 002: laugh 10 times
Done todo and record elapsed time
# assume current time is 23:30
# unbegun todo will done with 0h
$ todo done 0
$ todo done 1
$ todo done 2
$ todo list
☑ 000: drink water (1.0)
☑ 001: fix bugs (7.5)
☑ 002: laugh 10 times (0.0)
You can re-begin a done task
If your todos have different situations,
todo list
command will automaticly sort them by 'doing-todo-done' order.
$ todo list
☐ 003: buy a keyboard (-7.9)
☐ 001: fix bugs
☑ 000: drink water (0.0)
☑ 002: laugh 10 times (10.0)
Report today's achievements
$ todo report --help
report today's achievements
Usage: todo report [OPTIONS] [COMMENT] [TITLE]
-l, --lang <LANG> [possible values: ja, en, zh]
-h, --help Print help
$ todo report
## 2024/08/03 (10.0h)
### Doing tasks
- buy a keyboard (-7.9h)
### Done tasks
- drink water (0.0h)
- laugh 10 times (10.0h)
### Todo tasks in this week
- fix bugs
### Memo & Comments
$ todo report --lang zh 开心每一天
## 2024/08/03 (10.0h)
### 进行中的任务
- buy a keyboard (-7.9h)
### 已完成的任务
- drink water (0.0h)
- laugh 10 times (10.0h)
### 本周的任务
- fix bugs
### 备忘
$ todo report -l ja '' "happy day""
## happy day (10.0h)
### 進行中のタスク
- buy a keyboard (-7.9h)
### 完了済みのタスク
- drink water (0.0h)
- laugh 10 times (10.0h)
### その他、今週対応予定のタスク
- fix bugs
### メモ、ぼやき
Continue todo list
$ todo continue
$ todo list
☐ 000: fix bugs
☐ 001: buy a keyboard
You can load the file to do the bash completion.
$ echo "eval \"\$(todo completion)\"" >> ~/.bash_profile
- Install todo executable file into your PATH
- Install mac_message_visualizer and build it with Xcode
- Open the 'todo-add-interface.shortcut' in macOS Shortcut app and edit mac_message_visualizer path in it.
- Binding a shortcut key with 'shortcuts run todo-add-interface'
- Test your runnng.
is inspired by:
The CLI is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.