But first, because some reason about import setting dependencies in bundle package so it won't work if install by normal way
- If your project use Element UI Kit, you can go through next step.
- First, install Element UI,
npm i element-ui -S
- Don't worry about size, we will just use Table's package Element, by way import in App.vue
import Vue from 'vue'; import { Table } from 'element-ui'; import locale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'; Vue.use(Table, {locale});
- First, install Element UI,
Please visit repo GitHub here!
Clone project and copy file CalendarByDay.vue (Schedule by Day), CalendarElement.vue (Schedule by Week) in src/components directory in your project.
Use the files above as file CalendarSchedule.vue in repo
And now you can custom as you like.