Gift It is a web application where users can store gift ideas under certain categories (celebration, occasion, friend). When the occasion arrives or is nearing, Gift It will send an email to the user to remind the user of the gift idea.
Gift It will use MongoDB (NoSQL, document-store) as its database.
Gift It will need to store Users, Gifts, Events and Tags (descriptives for gifts/events).
- Users will store Gifts and Events.
First draft schema:
// User
// * our site requires authentication so users have a username and password
var User = new mongoose.Schema({
// username, password provided by plugin
first_name: String,
last_name: String,
email: String,
birthday: Date,
friends: [User],
wishlist: [Gift],
giftlist: [Gift],
eventlist: [Event]
// Gift
var Gift = new mongoose.Schema({
gift_name: String,
owner: User,
price: Number,
tags: [Tag],
is_private: Boolean
// Event
var Event = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
owner: User,
date: Date,
tags: [Tag],
is_private: Boolean,
giftlist: [Gift]
// Tag
var Tag = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
is_private: Boolean,
type: String

- As a student/worker, I want a gift idea logger to record down gift ideas when they come to mind, as I am often busy and forget about them after minutes.
- As a person who enjoys shopping, I want an open environment where I can not only list down gifts I believe my friends will enjoy, but also a place to record gifts for myself in a wishlist.
- Authentication (3 pts) ✓
- Pre-built Express templates (1 pts) ✓
- CSS Preprocessor - SASS (1 pts) ✓
- Server-side JS Module - NodeMailer (1 pts) ✓
- Server-side JS Module - Node-Schedule (1 pts) ✓
- Ebay API (2 pts) ✓
Description: User authentication
Need: Login users to website -
Description: Module to connect to MongoDB
Need: Interact with the MongoDB database
Other Add-ons:
- NodeMailer (
Description: NodeMailer is an email module that allows you to send emails through a Node.js application.
Need: I will need NodeMailer to send reminder emails to users.