Releases: ctkelley/NotebookSIAMFANL
NotebookSIAMFANL version 1.0: Publication release
This is the final publication version suite of notebooks for my book project
Solving Nonlinear Equations with Iterative Methods:
Solvers and Examples in Julia
The project includes the print book, this suite of Jupyter notebooks that are a very good approximation of the print book, and a Julia package.
The package is SIAMFANLEquations.jl, now at version 1.0. You install it like any other registered Julia package.
The github repos are
The package and notebooks are open source. License data are on the repos.
-- Tim
Notebook for SIAMFANLEquations v0.9
I got a second set of proofs and found a few more nits. Fixing those for v0.9. I'll tag v1.0 when SIAM publishes the book in 4Q 2022.
Notebook for SIAMFANL v0.8
The book is at the printer in final production and I am tagging 0.8.
I will only make changes for
- bugs
- tweaking internal documentation
- adding non-book stuff to the documenter files
v0.9 and 1.0 will (I hope) have only minimal changes.
Version for SIAM copyediting
This is version 0.7. The files for the book at with the publisher and this version becomes 0.8 when I get the feedback from the publisher and make the changes.
NA-Digest release
This is v0.6.0. This is the draft that I announced to NA-DIgest
V 0.5.3 of the notebooks for SIAMFANLEquations
This is version 0.5.3 of the notebooks. Everything is pretty much done. After one more round of proofreading I will announce the project to NA-DIGEST.
I will announce version 0.5.3 of the package to Julia DIscourse and then say no more until I release 1.0 when the print book is out.
This is v0.4.3. Solvers done
This version includes the draft of Chapter 4: Fixed Point Problems and Anderson Acceleration
I have decided to take my own advice from the middle of the discussion in
and leave Broyden's method out. So, the solvers are done.
The last chapter will be Chapter 5: Case Studies.