Blacklight customizations for UC Berkeley museum portals.
Just exactly the files needed to deploy into an existing vanilla BL installation to make it work for the various UCB "museum portals".
The document shows the steps for deploying the PAHMA Blacklight app ("pahma"), but you should be able to substitute whatever institution key you like and it will work.
Caveat utilizator! This is all fresh and wet behind the gills!
First, you must have have installed all the RoR prerequisites (and if using a local Solr server which you should
for testing, those prerequisites, too). Probably it is easiest to first
install and run a "vanilla" Blacklight deployment, then try the illumination
code described below.
See the Blacklight documentation:
To install the rickety CSpace Blacklight customizations:
NB: you'll need to be inside the Berkeley firewall or have access via the VPN (the Solr server for the PAHMA Public Portal is not available to the outside world). So, start your VPN client up if needed.
cd <where_you_want_to_install_blacklight> # for UCB deployments on RTL servers, this is ~/projects
- Get the two repos you’ll need...
git clone
git clone
NB: this step is only needed when doing a "clean install" on a new server. Once the repos are there
the only thing you'll need to do is update them (i.e. "git pull -v
- Run the script to install BL and customize for e.g. PAHMA
The install script takes 5 arguments:
./illumination/ tenant app_name absolute_path_to_portal_config_file version production|development
tenant: one of the 'authorized' labels for a CSpace tenant: bampfa, botgarden, cinefiles, pahma, ucjeps
app_name: this will be both the Ruby "application name" and the directory where the code is installed.
absolute_path_to_portal_config_file: this will be the full path to the django_example_config
directory you cloned
version: i.e. tag in GitHub, something like '1.2.0' if you want to deploy your (perhaps modified) code, use 'notag',
to deploy the current tip of the master branch use 'master'
type of deployment: 'production' or 'development'
e.g. on your "local system", where the "home directory" for Blacklight is, say, ~
./illumination/ pahma s20181015 ~/django_example_config/pahma/config/pahmapublicparms.csv 1.2.0 development
new blacklight app (version 1.2.0) customized for pahma created in /Users/myhome/s20180927.
to start it up in development:
cd s20181015
rails s
passenger start
then visit https://localhost:3000 to test
This will install version 1.2.0 in the s20181015 directory wherever you invoked the script from.
- To run "locally", using the development server, do as it says.
NB: make sure you either are inside the UCB firewall (VPN, etc.) or that a proper Solr server is configured in the development section in config/blacklight.yml
cd s20181015
rails s
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.1.4 application starting in development
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.11.0 (ruby 2.4.2-p198), codename: Love Song
* Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Now see if you get a search page:
If you are deploying on an RTL server (in either the Dev or Prod environments), read the following section.
- On RTL servers the "home directory" for Blacklight is
. - The Passenger / Apache configuration points to a fixed directory which is symlinked to the deployment directory.
- The dialog below assumes you are deploying the 'pahma' Portal.
- You'll need to have the version number you wish to deploy (e.g. "1.1.0" is shown in the example below) before you start.
- You can check the tags in the repo (e.g.
git tag
) to find what versions are available. - The instructions below are for 'production'. For installation on dev, change 'production' to 'development' everywhere.
- For an initial deployment, make sure the two environment variables
are set (usually in .profile)
$ ssh
jblowe@blacklight-prod:~$ sudo su - blacklight
# the rails apps and their various versions are all deployed in the ~/projects directory
# first, get the latest code
cd ~/projects/illumination ; git pull -v
cd ~/projects/django_example_config ; git pull -v
# deploy the desired version of the Blacklight RoR app in a new directory (we've been
# using directory names of the form sYYYYMMDD; but do as you like!)
./illumination/ pahma s20181015 ~/projects/django_example_config/pahma/config/pahmapublicparms.csv 1.2.0 production &
# nb: the following script ONLY works on RTL servers configured the way they are configured!
# i.e. code and deployment dirs in ~/projects, logs and dbs in /var, etc.
# remake the symlink between the actual directory and the directory passenger expects (e.g. 'search_pahma')
./illumination/ s20181015 pahma production
# we need to do the migration...
cd ~/projects/s20181015
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate
# you'll need to restart apache. the blacklight sudo user can't do that, so you'll need to:
sudo apache2ctl restart
# NB: here's basically what the script does (for production), in case you want to know or do it by hand.
# (for development deployments, the log and db symlinks are not made. This is so that the logs (and d)bs)
# are keep separate and fresh for each deployment...
# remake the two internal symlinks...(prod only. you can skip this on dev)
# link the log dir to the "permanent" log dir
rm -rf log/
ln -s /var/log/blacklight/pahma log
# link the db directory to the "permanent" db directory
rm -rf db
ln -s /var/blacklight-db/pahma db
NB: if for some reason you need to check or change some of the secret keys...
# to check that it is indeed set in the environment (on prod...
printenv | grep SECRET_KEY
# here's where it is accessed:
vi config/secrets.yml
# and here (devise CAN have its own, if you really wanted to...)
vi config/initializers/devise.rb
# you need to re-apply migrations if you change anything
rake db:migrate
Here's what we have for ~/.profile now (need to setup RVM and SECRET_KEY_BASE)
blacklight@blacklight-dev:~$ cat .profile
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
# the default umask is set in /etc/profile; for setting the umask
# for ssh logins, install and configure the libpam-umask package.
#umask 022
# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin directories
# Add RVM to PATH for scripting. Make sure this is the last PATH variable change.
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
# Blacklight / RoR needs this in the environment
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=yougottaputsomethingsuitablehere
export RAILS_ENV=production
Backing up database... other maintenance...
On the RTL cloud server (blacklight-(dev,prod)
), the RoR service
is being running using Passenger under Apache.
The Passenger gem is now required and one can start the server in at least the following ways:
export RAILS_ENV=production
passenger start
export RAILS_ENV=production
rails s
Then you should be able to visit the app at []
There's still something odd in the production parameters. For production eager_load
should be true, but
at the moment the app won't run with that.
diff config/environments/production.rb ~/production.rb
< config.eager_load = false
> config.eager_load = true
< config.assets.compile = true
> config.assets.compile = false
The current implementation expects to run Rails under Passenger with Apache. The steps to get all that set up are not described here and are dependent on OS details.
This deployment expects to be able to access the public PAHMA Solr server at: (for production) or (for development) or
This service is available inside the UCB firewall. If you are outside, you'll need to install your own (local) Solr server with this core.
If you are doing development that requires a different Solr server, you'll need to update that in
At the moment, the deployment assumes you'll use either the Production or Development version of the museums
public Solr core. These are configured in blacklight.yml
. You can set which Solr server is used
using the RAILS_ENV
environment variable and the rake migrate
task (see below).
If you want your own Solr server, with your own data, running on localhost, read on.
To do this, you'll need to:
- Install Solr (we are using Solr5 at the moment, alas.)
- Configure a Solr core, e.g. for
(see below for how to do this). - Start it up.
- Load some test data. (Some or all of the PAHMA public data extract, contact [email protected] to get this file.)
- Caveat Utilizator: many BL and other features are not working correctly at the moment; see the UCB JIRAs for details.
The Solr servers used for the UCB BL deployments:
Development (only available to within the UCB Firewall (VPN, AirBears2, direct connect):
#TENANT# is one of (bampfa, botgarden, pahma, ucjeps)
Google Analytics ("UA") is automatically enabled for production deployments. See e.g.
(where the tracking ID is hardcoded)
Yes, it is a bit complicated to get UA working in a Rails 5 app!
By default, public/robots.txt
block all crawlers. For deployments where you want to admit
crawlers (e.g. production deployments) you may wish to change this. See, e.g.:
You may wish to preserve the robots.txt
that was being used already.
To allow all comers, simply remove the file.
On EC2, the RoR services had been monitored using god
In this repo there is a file called howto-ec2.txt
which shows how
to configure an EC2 instance with the UCB demo portals and god
Note that while this description pertains to a server serving all 5 UCB portals, it currently focuses on the PAHMA deployment.
Please refer to this file for the basics on how to set things up.