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How to use this image

Start a Firefox instance

docker run \
    --network host \
    --shm-size=2g \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/firefox/.Xauthority:ro \

The flag --shm-size=2g sets 2GB as the size of /dev/shm available to the container. By default Docker will set it to 64MB, leading to frequent crashes of Firefox. Further detail on this issue can be found here

Audio support with Pulseaudio

Since tag 78.0.2-buster we switched from alsa to pulseaudio for better and simpler audio support. The container will just act as a client to your host's pulseaudio server. Just run a container with the additional volume /run/user/1000/pulse like this:

docker run \
    --network host \
    --shm-size=2g \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/firefox/.Xauthority:ro \
    -v /run/user/1000/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse:ro \

Hardware acceleration with mesa

Since tag firefox:68.8.0 we enabled mesa drivers for intel graphics cards, mesa-dri-intel. This solves the WebGL issue from the previous versions of this image.

To enable hardware acceleration in your dockerized firefox just share /dev/dri with your container with the --device /dev/dri run option.

Start with persistent storage

  1. Create a data directory on a suitable volume on your host system, e.g. /my/own/mozilla and /my/own/downloads

  2. Start your firefox container like this:

docker run \
    --network host \
    --shm-size=2g \
    -e DISPLAY \
    -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/firefox/.Xauthority:ro \
    -v /run/user/1000/pulse:/run/user/1000/pulse:ro \
    -v /my/own/downloads:/home/firefox/Downloads \
    -v /my/own/mozilla:/home/firefox/.mozilla \